From a correspondent in Mountain View comes a description of a company headed towards an unfortunate fate.
My employer is flirting with a left singularity.
Google is a left-wing organization, in two ways. First, its founders and executives support left-wing politicians, left-wing causes, left-wing fads.
But Google is also left-wing in another, non-political manner, in its style of internal speech and debate. The hallmarks of the left — holiness competition, the vanguard of the people, no one more extreme is an enemy — are present whenever anyone discusses a non-political subject that is relevant to the company.
As long as you advocate in favor of Google’s goals (“focus on the user” is a popular phrase, and can be used to justify pretty much anything), you can criticize any product, even call out executives by name.
Go on o’er and read his post and some of the others.