Steve Sailer coined the term ‘World War T‘ to describe the progressive push to turn ‘transgender’ people into a golden group of holy victims. Now that most Americans venerate ordinary sodomites, a new group needs to be elevated to keep the cycle fresh, so it’s on to people who alter their appearance and bearing to ‘become’ a new gender.
Most of this has been circulating in academia for decades, but it’s taken a while for a critical mass of graduates from liberal arts programs to re-enter the broader society and repeat the gender-as-social-construct slogans.
So, why do otherwise ordinary people, who might not even be aware that transgender people exist, suddenly act as if it’s the most important issue in the world? It’s because it’s on the docket as a crucial social issue by the state religion, which is embodied in the progressive spirit. Expressing love for transgender people and striking out at unbelievers is a way to show piety to the spirit of prog.
The first recruits for the vanguard tend to be misfits and weirdos. One of the attractions of World War T to these types is that it allows them to instantly rise in status with little effort. If they grow their hair out, start wearing makeup, and call themselves a woman — ‘poof!’ — they gain a protected status. While in previous times, they would have endured more scorn and humiliation for cross-dressing, now all of prog’s faithful know that it’s their obligation to protect such people and to give them favored treatment.
Out of pity for the combatants in World War T, it should be pointed out that it’s the only safe, official way for them to signify membership in their dark, barbaric, and rebellious religion. The people who undergo extensive surgeries and hormone treatments to mutilate themselves into a facsimile of the opposite sex tend to sacrifice their happiness as well. They destroy part of themselves to act as sacred avatars for the masses, to become magic eunuchs of a sort.
Regret for these sorts of surgeries tends to be sky-high, as are suicide rates. Parents who pervert their children into becoming such magic eunuchs — some of whom are receiving national television coverage and veneration — are often sacrificing the future happiness of their progeny for social status and a feeling of ecstatic holiness in the moment.
Secular people who may have thought they were leaving behind the “God Delusion” often find themselves swept up in these religious manias, because such impulses separated from ritual and orthodoxy tend to spiral into chaotic outbursts.
The creation of eunuch classes is not entirely abnormal in history, nor is according to them special social or religious status (as is often harped upon in gender studies courses in universities). It is abnormal for it to happen in a nominally Christian society (the tradition is more associated with Asian cultures and those influenced by them), but the US is not Christian in any meaningful sense anymore, apart from vestigially.
To fight in this war of words is to gain new meaning in life, with real evildoers and moral heroes. Those who are ‘transphobic’ must be scourged from polite society, forced out of their companies, and censored from prestigious publications. It’s also a convenient way to assault remaining religious groups which have not surrendered entirely to the forces of prog.
Just as the stodgy old priests were getting comfortable with sodomy, it’s time to get them comfortable with lopping off the cocks of eight year old boys, feeding them oestrogens, and telling them that they’re girls. Just when your wife became comfortable with having a few gay friends, it’s time to send a man who calls himself a woman into the women’s shower at the gym, where he will nonchalantly soap his balls while pretending not to be male-gazing all over his fellow ‘women.’
Most of the people who might have been motivated to resist have surrendered preemptively, or otherwise never even realized what was happening in the first place.