A while ago, I published a long and poorly-titled article about New York’s current mayor as he was assuming office.
Since then, some of the retrospectives about the upsurge in reported violent crime have been trickling in – especially about the so-called ‘slashing’ attacks, of which there were more than 550 in 2015 alone. The pace in 2016, according to reports, looks to be at over 10 attacks per day.
In a typical slashing — which often but not always occurs along racial lines in a pattern that good people who think correctly won’t notice — a young man aims to disfigure a woman with a knife.
So, what explains these ‘puzzling’ attacks? The safe explanation is that the attackers are ‘crazy’ or that it’s a result of the pullback of policies like stop-and-frisk and the increased caution that the police forces have towards any action that has a disparate impact across racial lines.
The way to solve the mystery is to recognize that it isn’t actually a mystery: you’re just supposed to be befuddled by it to remain in polite society. To express puzzlement is to show that you are a good person, even if by being a good person who supports the new direction of the state, you result in the disfigurement and traumatization of hundreds of innocent people per year or more.
Let us imagine that there are some groups of people that can win more through violence than they can through trade. This isn’t hard to imagine because there are countless examples that we see in our own lives and in history. Pirates hit the high seas in search of booty because it’s both more fun and more effective for them to rob boats and kidnap people for ransom than it is for them to go to trade school to learn how to weld.
Similarly, there are entire classes of people who can get more from the world by being unstable and dangerous – like the political leadership of North Korea.
By attacking civilians with impunity, you demonstrate in blood that the current political authority is incapable of providing effective security even at an inordinately high price.
When animals attack other animals in a bid to solidify their claims over territory, we rarely call the attacks ‘random’ or ‘senseless’ — instead we aim to understand the behavior in a detached way.
Humans, also, are intensely territorial and have many complex means of cooperation and coordination. One way that humans and many, many other species assert dominance over territory is to use limited violence to demonstrate control. What the laws say about who owns what is much less relevant than who can use violence with impunity in what territories.
Behaviors always have reasons motivating them, even if those reasons don’t meet high standards of rationality.
The press – and even articles like this one – also encourage more symbolic attacks, because effective countermeasures are forbidden and alternative security arrangements are some combination of illegal, infeasible, and culturally taboo for modern New Yorkers.
The reason why people use violence to achieve their political goals is because under the right conditions, it’s both cheaper and more effective than the alternatives. The slashers slash because it gets them and their fellows what they want for a couple dollars in hardware and a flick of the wrist.
Similar to the motivated incomprehension that people show in regards to terrorism, the better sort of educated person knows to make themselves stupid in how they think about ‘random’ violence between groups.
“Similarly, there are entire classes of people who can get more from the world by being unstable and dangerous – like the political leadership of North Korea.”
I suspect that you don’t know any more about the political leadership of North Korea than what you’ve been fed by the same media that harps on the 75 year old Holocaust daily insisting six million went up in smoke without a trace. I realize you are using a rhetorical flourish, but as a North Korean ballistic missle engineer currently being treated for panic disorder I find the offhandedness of your comment about our Beloved Leader hurtful.
10 slashers per day? That’s a whole lotta “crazy” people.
A theoretical maximum number of 3650 slashers out of 8.5 million people is not that high.
The only thing notable is the speed of the rather obvious effects of DeBlasio’s more relaxed policing style.
In any case, it doesn’t pay to assume anyone is entitled to safety or moral treatment. They aren’t . Those are assumptions from a nation with a lot of free social capital from Christianity and from a nation that was highly homogeneous and had at least a dream of upward mobility.
That country is long gone and mankind is starting to revert to historical norms, tribalism and nepotism.
It’s an exercise in thought control on a massive scale that prevents analysis.
Proof? Imagine if the race of the slasher and the slashed were reversed. Think it would be a mystery? Think they would recognize the terrorizing intention?
Stop and frisk was relatively benign and kid-gloves territory marking.
Big predators will always mark territory with signs, signals, and behavior to reduce competition.
Good to see Henry back to his prolific ways, enjoying your March entries. Stories about slashings on the subway always remind me of the Bernie Goetz incident. Watched his amazing police interviews some time ago and what an eye opener that was for me. The guy just snapped that day on the train and despite his rambling and occasional incoherence in those interviews he basically said what everyone was thinking and knows is the truth. If anyone hasn’t watched those tapes it certainly would be a treat to do so considering where we are politically, sliding back into the early 1980’s NYC. Thanks Mayor Big Bird.