Someone else in the household watches a lot of cooking shows on the weekends, so I’ve been seeing this ad for California tourism a lot lately.
Having lived in California for a little while, I’m familiar with the places and visions they’re promoting. What’s interesting about this is that there’s not a single non-white person in the ad. And that makes sense, because the upper middle class California has virtually no interaction with non-whites. One of the chief reasons why they love shopping at Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s is because of what kind of person operates the check-out.
California is 39% Latino, and the census probably under-counts that proportion due to illegal immigration. But no one in the rest of the country really wants to visit Latin California. They want to visit fantasy Whiteopia California. Napa Valley is not an especially ethnically vibrant vacation destination. It’s an ersatz Southern France.
In terms of real, lived social experience, California liberals want to live in the San Francisco neighborhoods where they’re surrounded by people like them. They want to move to ethnically uniform enclaves like Menlo Park. They want to live in Santa Monica where their neighbors look like the flat-bellied bikini blonde. They don’t want to live near pear-shaped peasants from El Salvador. They want you to live near them.
A lot of people don’t really get the joke about mass immigration. The immigrants are there to drive down the price of labor and to fill the voting rolls. They’re kept far away from the places where rich (and striving) Californians actually live or want to live. They’re meat for them to use, of no particular value beyond their political and economic utility.
For this reason, propaganda lines telling white liberals to “love their race” are stupid. They already do. They love their race more than you love your race. That’s why they work so hard to live near the Presidio. They import the other people to use against people like you, to keep you from climbing up to where they are. They have a firmer understanding of who their friends are and who their enemies are. That’s why they’re effective at maintaining their own positions. They play the game to win.
Is it stupid? Yes. Will their magic kingdom crumble? Yes. But appeals to unity which transcends class and real political interests will never hit their marks.
It’s a good point. Rich white women love their feminism, they love the freedom it brings, to shop in shopping malls, to have small families, and to be a rare luxury fought over. But those damn poor white girls took up the feminist matra too, and had small families. But someone has to produce the great dirty hordes that consume all the shit and keep the husbands of said rich feminists employed in the top paying jobs that facilitate feminists “independence”. Enter the immigrant worker.
There is a woman of color twenty-two seconds in, although her line suggests that she is a tourist, not a resident.
Living in a Hispanic neighborhood in Oakland is a multicultural experience not to be missed and my white middle class daughters won’t even discuss visiting me here. It’s just a puzzle to why when I think of all the multicultural sites to be seen close by. Within a few short blocks you can rent a street walker, by some cocaine or visit with the hundreds of day laborers hanging on the street corners. If you are really adventurous you could travel a mile to what the police call ‘The Kill Zone’. The claim is 5 major gangss in Oakland with gang members in the city numbering between 5k & 10k.
And the author claims that whites cling to their white neighborhoods, can’t imagine why.
Victor Davis Hanson has written some about coastal CA vs the rest.
Reminds me of the old movie Serial, 1980, ab.out Marin County CA
Sally Kellerman has a Hispanic nanny and a black cleaning lady.
Joan Walsh lives in San Francisco.
Anders Breivik knew the class who was ruining his country.
It could reasonably go on forever though. It has in South America, although modern differential fertility is threatening the balance. But there’s no good reason why California whites couldn’t lord over a zillion Mexicans for perpetuity.
South America has always had its big, semi-functional brother to the north to provide guidance, protection, and a source of trade. Brazil Norte wouldn’t be nearly so helpful.
I wonder if the latinization of the US will counter-intuitively cause the elite of Latin America to decamp to the US, as the decline in American influence could worsen anti-elite populism.
The Latin-American elite is already “decamped” in the US, they all have expensive properties in Miami and only go back to their countries to work.
Naturally. Just like in nature, the harshest competition is intraspecific. A deer is much more threatened by other deer then by wolves. So you see things like sexual selection playing a huge role in determining behavior and anatomy, larger than natural selection. Darwin bangs on about this for 600 pages or so of the Descent of Man.
So the typical mature animal is much more threatened (reproductively and for resources) by members of its species than by predators and pathogens. You’re much more likely to die from starvation because the other deer ate your winter food, or to be unable to pass on your genes, than to be eaten by wolves in any given year.
Therefore there are a ton of strategies that sacrifice fitness w.r.t. natural selection for sexual selection. For instance, we all sneeze and cough when we get an upper respiratory infection, to pass it on to our cospecifics, some of whom will hopefully die and free up much-needed resources. Peacocks grow big stupid tails that make it impossible to fly, but you can’t get laid without one. Deer and moose grow giant racks of horns that take up a ton of nutrients, are unwieldy to carry, make it hard to run through the woods when wolves are chasing you…but they’re very useful when you want to kick your competitors’ asses, no substitute for them.
Animals even use tactics that endanger themselves to demonstrate fitness and force their hopefully less-fit cospecific competitors to expose themselves to the same risk. Male birds take a big risk in lek mating along these lines.
Likewise, SWPLs are much more threatened by other upper-middle class whites than they are by feral blacks or somewhat criminal mesoamerican immigrants (who typically don’t prey on whitey, do prey on blacks, and inflict most costs through welfare/free medical treatment consumption/other externalities.) They are very mildly threatened, at this stage, by rednecks and other non-SWPL whites.
You see a constant SWPL peacock-tail-like arms race with SJW-type purges, conspicuous consumption of status-related crap like Whole Foods or even diets that are physically harmful, like veganism, moving into urban shitholes to gentrify them (Williamsburg is where hipsters go to get laid) which is a lek mating process, where hopefully if anyone gets predated, it’s your competing hipsters, etc.
You see the same thing, to a lower degree, among non-SWPL whites. You know, granite counters in McMansions which require the import of mesoamerican construction peasant illegals to build/install. Or giant pickup trucks with TruckNutz burning Middle Eastern oil (or its fungible American replacement), the proceeds of which go towards terrorism.
Blacks have their spinners and Mexicans have their facial tattoos and retarded cholo rides with horns on them. Etc.
During the whole insane process, the competition for resources/reproductive success has been proxied by a competition for status. Then, in the productive classes, status became decoupled from, and then inversely correlated to, the things it was originally a proxy for, to the point where now to be cool, you have to do things that minimize your lifetime income/number of descendants surviving to reproduce.
The only thing that can break this vicious cycle/prisoner’s dilemma is a society sincerely united by religion. In other words, an order which rests on the stable personal convictions of most of the population. You don’t see the Amish, for instance, going into debt to buy sweet new buggies that will get them laid like a rug.
People with upper-respiratory infections do not cough and sneeze to spread disease. They cough and sneeze to clear excess phlegm out of their breathing passages. The resulting spread of disease is an accident, not an individual survival strategy.
And the prisoners’ dilemma is not a vicious cycle. Hell, in Sicilian culture, there is no dilemma- if you rat, you die. Dilemma obviated.
B, you wouldn’t happen to be religious yourself, would you? Jesus (another religious guy) said, do not speak of the mote in your neighbor’s eye but of the beam in your own. In other words, it’s very easy to see the flaws in others. OF COURSE the religious have status competitions – it’s just that they define status differently. The Amish compete to see who has the PLAINEST buggy not the fanciest.
I’m a Jooo, so don’t particularly care about what Jesus said.
How many Amish have gone broke and mortgaged their kids’ future so as to have the plainest buggy on the block?
Aren’t you mortgaging your kids future if you spend all day studying and praying instead of working, as many Ultra-Orthodox do?
Aren’t you leaving a lot of money on the table if you plow your farm with horses instead of a tractor because your religion tells you that God doesn’t want you to use power equipment?
“For this reason, propaganda lines telling white liberals to “love their race” are stupid. They already do.” No. And to say they do is just being glib about it. They do not love their “race” because they have no race in their own eyes; they are just about the only genuinely post-racial group in the country, or at least they perceive themselves to be and act on that perception. What they love is their comfort and the only way to secure that is to de facto seek out other whites. The vast majority are not even conscious of why they seek out white enclaves and if you put it to them in racial terms they would deny it up and down. So at best, their racial affections are indirect and subconscious. But what you’re talking about here is what they are conscious of; what they “love”. If SWPLs really do “love their race” then all you have done is reduced to the word “race” to meaningless absurdity, which the SWPLs would be thrilled about. “It’s all about culture anyway.”
Their definition is just smaller. Menlo Park is 70% White, 9% Asian, 5% Islander, 5% mixed, and the rest is misc.
Their pride in SWPL superiority is absolute and unwavering. That other races can become spiritually SWPL through participation in esoteric ritual is just a demonstration of the purity of their racial idea.
Part of the effect of our political way of life is to mystify the concept of race and turn it into something subjective. What was real, concrete, and readily identifiable turns into an occult and synthetic tribe. This reality is inescapable and difficult to tangle with.
What was real, concrete, and readily identifiable turns into an occult and synthetic tribe. This reality is inescapable and difficult to tangle with.
What? Are Africans and Chinese unidentifiable and occult? I presume Mr Dampier is aware of the fine mental machinery we all carry in our heads to instantly identify the other fellow’s tribe and his relation to our own tribe (allied, hostile, enemy, superior, inferior, etc.).
The biggest threat to an African is other Africans.
The biggest threat to a Chinese person is other Chinese.
The biggest threat to a deer is other deer.
In the history of humanity, people have never allied or fought because of “race” which is too big a concept to be useful. Imagine explaining to Germans during the 30 Years War that they should stop killing those Protestants/Catholics over there because everyone was an Indoeuropean and therefore family.
Once you move from the easily identifiable tribe to the synthetic and abstract nation/commonwealth and then to the even more synthetic and abstract race, pretty soon you are at the point where you are defending the White Race by shooting blond and redheaded Ashkenazi kids, aided in the effort by your African Aryan Legion: