The purpose of the GOP is to run interference for the left to make it easier for said institutional left to administer the state, and through its administration of the state, the rest of the society. Criticizing the GOP for performing its function is confused — there’s no other role for it to play, considering its non-representation in important institutions like government bureaucracies and, more importantly, universities.
The GOP functions to contain discontent among the population, to channel it into useless issues, and to tell people what they’re allowed to believe and express without provoking social opprobrium and legal consequences.
Wanting to replace the GOP with a new party would just mean taking over its function — which is to perform as a catcher, political policeman, and misdirection apparatus for the state — really not terrible work if you can get it, but nothing like actually controlling the state or changing the methods by which it operates.
Deliberately breaking the ability of the Republican party to field national candidates is worthwhile for this reason: because it deprives the American state of a critical tool for keeping a large section of the productive population down on the farm and working hard to pay for all those free pills and free hot pockets and subsidized rent vouchers.
On this theme, giving people in the GOP the opportunity to display their value to their masters is useful for both parties. When spoilers like Donald Trump earn high polls, it’s a sign that they’re not doing their job properly, that the cattle are getting restless, and that the political policemen need another ‘Benghazi!’ style shiny object to redirect their attention away from more important things.
It’s also important to remember that throughout American history, the parties that have been able to bring the entire country underneath its apparatus of economic extraction and cultural management have tended to dominate smaller groups — the broad appeal worked, as we know from the gradual introduction of new nationalistic ideologies which evolved from ‘America the WASP frontier’ to ‘America the shining beacon for Whites of all Christian denominations’ to ‘America the White’ to ‘America the universal colorblind ideal-nation,’ the political parties which have been able to assemble the most numerous and wealthy supporters have tended to succeed against those which have made more narrow appeals.
The American conservative movement is, broadly speaking, an administrative arm of the left that acts to consolidate the political gains of the broader leftist faction. They make sure that recalcitrant citizens get with programs affirmed in the 1940s, 1960s, 1970s, or at other points in time, to say little of planks of the program established earlier in the 20th century. They permit some quibbling over new developments in international leftism, in exchange for unquestioning obedience to the larger platform which has already been implemented.
In the end, democracies consume themselves, as federations become unstable and break into mobs made up of people without common interests. Creating political structures that create and maintain common interests among people is very hard indeed, and most fail to do so (democratic or otherwise).
Shady’s back.
Welcome back, I feared that you had forsaken your loyal readers.
Good to see you back. Any suspicions on what the next Big Shiny Object will be?
Some sort of saber-rattling, if not a real war.
As I see it, the GOP exists to give straight white non-Progressive men, who keep the lights on and pay most of the taxes, the feeling that America is still their country, that all Obama’s wrongs will be set right as soon as those faithful Republicans get elected.
When in fact, our side has zero chance of effecting any real change at the ballot box, and it’s time to head for the hills and be thankful that the cities have plenty of unarmed white liberals like Kevin Sutherland for Obama’s people to prey upon.
The GOP is the original big government, tax and spend/ transfer tax money to big business/ all power to the federal government liberal party.
Their ineffectiveness at countering the DNC is a natural aspect of its roots.
Very thought provoking. Yes, I guess the GOP could be acting as the System’s flak jacket of sorts. At the moment they are doing a very poor job of it as people like Trump are allowing people to see how corrupt the whole system is. I still think the fix is in for Hillary. I am sure the Republican leadership would rather have Hillary as President than an actual conservative Republican. I just can’t imagine the amount of drugs and medications they’re going to need to prop her up with to drag her across the finish line.
Fundamentally, the Republicans are losing their utility to the left, and this fracas is useful as an excuse to permanently marginalize that party and to use other means to manage popular discontent.
Interesting. Have an insight the jig is up. Where I work and live, it is as flyover country as it can get. There is an undercurrent of gut feeling of being had among many you listen to when voicing their concerns in regards to those who are running things. In seriously fundamental ways. It isn’t expressed like a literarily sophisticated essay such as above. Usually conveyed in blunt and frank provincial terms. Most understand perfectly well what is going on, even if they don’t have access to the www, or read alternative media. They don’t need to. The evidence is pretty easy to see how plainly corrupt and dysfunctional the state and its actors, never mind the narratives and false flag social events created daily are.
You have to understand something of the character of people whom I am describing. Pretty rugged, self reliant, most with little formal education, folks who leave well enough alone, don’t cotton to meddling of any kind in their affairs, who can live well and quite comfortably at a level of sustenance which the vast majority of America would consider unimaginable, and are quite content and grateful for what they have. Because it comes by dint of their hard work and proper planning.
I think faith and grace have much to do with it.
But Ill tell you this, these are people you best not mess with. Once their propriety and sense of civility is pushed past a certain limit, that tolerance once wore out, changes into something which will not be denied. Something once unleashed knows no limits or has regard for things like quarter or mercy against its protagonists.
When you hear these men and woman quietly and modestly say and see the resolve, it is time to start shooting the bastards, you know the jig is up.
You don’t want these people mad at you like this. There is no lengths to far, or effort too hard as this is the kind of indomitable will that no state or tyrant can defeat. It becomes an existential kind of thing. You make enemies out of people like this, you have really screwed up. Blood feud doesn’t begin to define it.
I think this kind of freeman isn’t confined to just the mountains where I live. These are the salt of the earth kind of folks. Nobody is prepared, nevermind understand nor appreciate just how reserved and principles are these kind of Americans. They understand clearly without the filters of propaganda and memes they are deliberately being forced into a corner. Bled dry, and then pogromed as knuckle dragging mouth breathers to be used as amerikan kulaks.
We know what’s coming Mr. Dampier. It is pretty was to discern, we have always lived at the bottom of the political and economic food chain. Prepared by life to live at a level of existence no other part of the culture of america can even fathom. And do it well.
What do the sonofabitches running this regime call it?
“The unsecured spaces”. Oh ya, that’s right. They are unsecured by tyrants and crooks. Sure there are little tyrants and crooks running the local regimes. They are very careful to not cross certain lines and not meddle in certain ways. Ones that do, they don’t last long. As long as their local organized crime syndicate keeps within bounds, they are tolerated. Barely.
Time is fast approaching, the local money which can be stolen and extracted has run out. You can see signs of desperation of the systems of state. They know, and so does everyone else, no mercy or sympathy exists for the fuckers. They got greedy, the played their stupid politics, took care of their own at everyone’s expense, when things where fat, strip mined everything with total disregard for the future, it was ok, nothing better was expected of the fuckers. That’s over. They squandered everything. And now, you can just see the signs of panic, of desperation. It is quiet before the storm. The little we all saved and reserved, planned for and worked hard for, well these jackals, they are probing and sniffing and skulking around looking for pennies to steal from us. And the free shit army they created to give the illusion of legitimacy for all those office chairs and $50,000 SUV’s they get to drive and nice paychecks and time off with pay? That free shit army knows as everyone of their neighbors knows they are liars and fakers scamming a DI monthly check, they know they are first to go. Their usefulness as government cash cows to be milked by the seat warmers, time is up. And they too have squandered everything.
Reckoning time is about here.
“To the extent that democratic politics still exists in the Western world, it exists in the form of the two-party system. The parties have various names, which they have inherited from history. But there are only two parties: the Inner Party, and the Outer Party. It is never hard to tell which is which.
The function of the Inner Party is to delegate all policies and decisions to the Cathedral. The function of the Outer Party is to pretend to oppose the Inner Party, while in fact posing no danger at all to it. Sometimes Outer Party functionaries are even elected, and they may even succeed in pursuing a few of their deviant policies. The entire Polygon will unite in ensuring that these policies either fail, or are perceived by the public to fail. Since the official press is part of the Polygon and has a more or less direct line into everyone’s brain, this is not difficult. The Outer Party has never even come close to damaging any part of the Polygon or Cathedral.
An essential element in the “art of persuasion” is the systematic propagation of the exact opposite of this situation. Devotees of the Inner Party and the Cathedral are deeply convinced that the Outer Party is about to fall on them and destroy them in a new fascist upheaval. They often believe that the Outer Party itself is the party of power. They can be easily terrified by poll results of the type that Ronald Reagan, etc, demonstrated. There are all kinds of scary polls that can be conducted which, if they actually translated into actual election results in which the winners of the election held actual power, would seriously suck. That’s democracy for you.
But power in our society is not held by democratic politicians. Nor should it be. Indeed the intelligentsia are in a minority, indeed they live in a country that is a democracy, indeed in theory their entire way of life hangs by a thread. But if you step back and look at history over any significant period, you only see them becoming stronger. It is their beliefs that spread to the rest of the world, not the other direction. When Outer Party supporters embrace stupid ideas, no one has any reason to worry, because the Outer Party will never win. When the Inner Party goes mad, it is time to fear. Madness and power are not a fresh cocktail.”
from The ugly truth about government by Moldbug