From our responsible friends at Vox, we learn that private property is merely an expression of racism.
The Cathedral gets to win this one because the people who would otherwise want to defend private property are entirely hamstringed by the ideology and legal structure of civil rights. Centrist and left-leaning libertarians in particular, who might be inclined to defend the rights of suburbanites to maintain an exclusive place to themselves, are instead pushed by their prior ideological commitments to defend the raucuous mob.
Why exactly should anyone give a rotten dime to the Cato Institute if they’re unwilling to defend the most clear cut issues related to trespassing? You would have to be both rich enough to not care about wasting the money and dumb enough to not comprehend the issues involved here.
The entire point of private property is having the right to select who can and can’t make use of something. If you say that you can’t use even reasonable amounts of force in defense of property, then it’s not private property anymore.
Hamfisted Red propaganda makes its return as the state conscripts indoctrinated children to wave signs condemning the ‘intolerance’ of the inoffensive suburban bourgeoisie.
If anything, not enough force was used to clear the pool. To claim to uphold private property without being willing to use as much force as is necessary to demonstrate that claim is to give up the claim. Proclaiming that you support private property in the abstract, while condemning the defense of those rights in the concrete, is to be worse than useless as an ‘advocate’ of those rights. It is to say “I will defend this” while unchallenged, and then to back away when that principle is actually challenged. This is more obnoxious even than an open Bolshevik who openly opposes the existence of private property.
For conservatives, the unreliability of the state in defense of private property is a further difficulty. It’s embarrassing that private property owners have to make themselves so pathetic in relying on a uniformed agent of the state to defend their own pool. Given that the priestly authority in the US, bound up in the press, wants to obliviate the principle of private property selectively — particularly in cases like this — it’s going to be more challenging to prevent the US from receding to the third world mean.
For the press, events like these are teaching moments intended to shame the remnant middle class to part with their holdings, creating maudlin morality plays intended to break resistance to expropriation of all kinds.
The entire national press will censure one woman for saying “Go back to Section 8,” but it’s become crimethink to even conceive of something like “end Section 8” and “those who do not work should not eat.”
It may be true that the left is overplaying its hand in cheering on the mob of youths. The rising third world generation may have numbers on their side, but they aren’t really useful for much else other than mobbing things and whining on the internet. To that extent, the left is good at mobilizing discontent, but not terribly good at making those people productive.
A literal seizure of a public pool is a perfect representation of the evolution of Marxism.
Marxism is “seize the factories and businesses in the name of the workers”.
Modern Marxism is “seize the offices and neighborhoods in the name of the oppressed”
From each according to his ability to each according to his lack of privilege.
The pool in question seems to have been a private pool for homeowners in the area.
From what I gather, a black girl who lived in the neighborhood invited her friends from the hood on twitter. So of course, a chimpout ensued. The lesson to whites? There’s no such thing as “they’re not like that.” They are ALL like that. The so called “good blacks” have connections to their hoodrat counterparts, and they will mercilessly weild their underclass against the white power structure. In fact, your black neighbors and coworkers are actually the worst of them all. They enjoy the benefits of white places, while at the same time complaining and undermining those white places. Instead of “gibs me dat” they have learned to say give me that.
Lest you think I’m being unfair, let me point out that Indian Americans (dot not feather) are the single richest ethnic group in the US, and yet they still pull the lever for D in overwhelming numbers. Why would they vote to get their hard earned money taken? Simply because the republicans are the de facto white party, and everyone is unified against whites in our multiracial rainbow utopia. While indians dont have an underclass of their own, they (and jews) are the classical example of entryists who will subvert a white society if given the chance, and they will happily use the colored underclass as their shock troops.
Its not our pool because its not our country.
You think the dot-not-feathers don’t have an underclass?
Everything said here is exactly right. Best comment ive read in some time.
I’m a dot not feathers Indian and the overwhelming reason for Indians voting D is that D is the party of cool educated urban elites. Indians in America live primarily in big liberal cities and states, and take their cues on how to act in polite society from the Whites they see around them, and the Whites they see on TV.
White countries are wealthier and more orderly, so subconciously Indians imitate them, both for social climbing and out of a belief that it will bring them similar success. They model themselves on successful Whites in NYC and LA, not on Bubba Ray and Kandi from Podunk, Alabama. Even the most backwoods Indian who comes to America quickly learns that Fox news is the channel that smart, slim, attractive people laugh at.
Elites in every country in the world, and moreso in English speaking ones like India, are fed a constant barrage of liberal propaganda from American MSM and Hollywood. Even Indian friends of mine who live in India, with no affiliation to America whatsoever, often say “Democratic party” when Facebook asks them their political orientation. The Indian elite actually relates more to the Democratic party than to India’s own left. I see Indians back in India facebook-sharing Jon Stewart clips mocking Republicans – even when they have never been to America, and have no intention of coming here.
Holier-than-thou posturing has also made inroads into India, and our press is now plastered wall to wall with feminism and homo rights. A guy in my college in New Delhi recently became a transgender, and my upper class friends fell over themselves talking how brave “she” was. Not a single mocking comment. Ten years ago this would have been unthinkable.
And all our women are turning into whores, in the span of a single generation. My friend’s ex in Bangalore went on a fucking spree after they broke up, and drove him into depression by telling him about her escapades, including sleeping with two brothers within the same week. This, in a country where women of my mother’s generation wouldn’t even think of traveling in a car or having lunch with an unrelated male. Thanks, Frankfurt school and New York Times.
Indian Americans share with East Asians a certain respect for Whites, given they came to this country to make money in a White society. They also share the same disinterest in Hispanics and disgust for Black Americans that East Asians have – Indians aren’t traveling to Mexico or Nigeria by the planeload. Indian parents would accept their child’s marriage to a White or Asian, but not to a black or Mexican. But they aren’t going to start voting Republican unless elite Whites vote Republican.
Or until the West comes crashing down, and the new top dog in the world becomes an authoritarian China. Then we will have people competing in fascister-than-thou spirals.
The modern communist does not seek to officially remove your rights, but to create so many burdensome regulations on them and exceptions to them that while in theory you still enjoy them, in practice you do not. If, for example, the government can tell you who you must or cannot hire at your business, what you must or cannot compensate them with, and who you must or cannot accept business from (not to mention taking a huge chunk of the money your business generates), then do you really “own” your business in any meaningful sense? Now the left is coming for the very free speech it championed while it was the underdog – the exceptions have started to appear: “Hate speech is not free speech”. First will come, not the thought police, but the thought vigilantes, saying: “No platform!” Later, well… the government does lots of things that twenty years ago I would have refused to believe that it would ever do.
So we enter the age of theoretical rights. This is the approach of the modern communist, who has learned from all the bad P.R. of showy things like the Berlin Wall and the Gulag Archipelago. Your rights will be taken away slowly, by stealth, and only de facto – you will still have all your de jure rights, but good luck trying to actually exercise them.
By the same measure, do you really own your house? You pay rent to keep it (property tax), and if you’re in a blue state, you are told where you can put a fence and if you need permission to replace your boiler. “Owning” a house is more like renting, just with more obligations it seems.
It wasn’t just at Vox – Reason ran basically the same article. Who needs the progressives, when you’ve got the libertarians?
Apparently, the presence of potential racism trumps violations of property rights even to libertarians.
Rothbard wept.
He did see it coming to some extent.
In my early 20s, I complained to the Austro-libertarians about the divisive carping about the Orange Line on the Mises forums. I also remember complaining about what I called Hoppe’s effective racism.
I was wrong on both counts — the Cato people really are noxious, and the foundation should be liquidated. Gillespie and Welch can get jobs at Jacobin.
When I was a child in the early ’60s, my mother, out of the blue, prophetically declared that the day is coming when they will come to your door and demand to be let in “because it is their right.” we are now less than one generation away from that.
This is not so much a specific but more a general comment.
All the lefties have to do is lob these comments up and everybody swarms around and responds. They set the agenda. They pick the topic. And do you know why? Because almost nobody can resist responding.
He who calls the tune dominates.
Fantastic, concise and timely entry on this blog. I have perused the Left wing website comments sections over the last few days and the commentary is downright disgusting as they disparage the concepts of property rights trespassing. These people actual believe that the pool in the HOA is part of the greater “community”! I can’t tell if the people on the left are being purposefully disingenuous to make a point or if they truly believe these youths did no wrong. As one commenter posted, “No one was arrested!”, which I suppose means there were no property rights infringed upon.
Make no mistake. The United States is experiencing a new type of irregular warfare on domestic soil.
These neo-Marxists are more like Maoist repackaged and used against to population. Bullies….It’s so stifling in the United States that it’s becoming unbearable.
Still, why is it the leftist media never picks a good cause? This seems deliberate. All its victimized black poster boys and girls are defective; the media’s assumed victims are all divisive, compromised figures from the get-go; not sympathetic folk heroes in any sense. One might think the leftist media is really a pied piper leading blacks and social justice idiots too ruin by methodically demonstrating that assuming blacks to be innocent victims invariably shows in case after case, even with seeming elaborate attempts to paint a narrative to the contrary, they are perpetrators, criminals, thugs, and habitual liars.
Are we to believe that there are no decent blacks without rap sheets who have been wronged by police? No narratives out there that would dispel oligarchical myths? That there are no victims whose rights were trampled outside of the thug sphere? It would appear that, yes, we are being led to believe precisely that, while on the other side being black and criminal is becoming an absurd symbol of decency itself in current the liberal fad. See where this is leading?
Mr. Dampier, you are always posting some great and thoughtful essays. It is an understatement to say I glean a myriad of enlightenments through your virtuous thinking.
Thought you might find this rather interesting. I found it a great reflection of my own perspective on the matter:
From Mike Vaneboegh at Sipsey Street Irregulars. Mike was one of the two citizen investigative bloggers who exposed the Feds notorious “Operation Fast & Furious:
“… had a run-in at a local thrift store (one of my favorite haunts) the other day with yet another black fellow wearing a “Black lives matter” tee-shirt. There’s nothing that sets me off like racial identity politics, black or white, so I said in a reasonable tone, “You know, I don’t want to pop your balloon, but ALL lives matter.” You could see he immediately got pissed off, but before he could give me a rejoinder, I said, “That’s why God invented firearms,” and patted by right front pants pocket. He saw the gesture and said the first thing that came to his mind, “F-ck you, motherf-cker.” I replied, still quite reasonably, “No, that’s what the pistol is preventing, but I’m serious, all lives matter, yours, mine, everybody’s, regardless of skin color. We all matter, don’t you agree?”
This gave him a bit of pause, not being used to being asked to think about life in terms other than that of slogans. “I’m talking about cops killing young black men,” he replied. “Oh I know what you’re talking about, and I’m no fan of killer cops either, but when you put things in terms of race and race alone, you’re no better than the cowards of the Klan.”
Now he just looked at me. “You know,” I said, “I’ve been fighting THOSE bastards all my life and I’ll tell you something, they are damned happy to see you adopt their way of thinking about life in pure racial terms. And I’ll tell you something else, they are happy as shit to see y’all murdering each other by the bushel-full every damn day. Hell, not even at the height of their power could they lynch you that fast. And I’ll tell you something else as well. The ghost of every Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan and every wanna-be Neo-Nazi fuhrer who ever lived laughs like hell every morning when the abortion clinics open for business in your neighborhoods. They love white people killing black babies (and most abortionists are white) and they love black kids killing other black kids. Hell, y’all are putting ALL the lynchings of the Klan throughout history in the deep shade and you’re giving the Holocaust a run for its money (and here I raised my voice for the first time) — AND YOU’RE DOING IT ALL TO YOURSELVES. Lord knows that you’re good for comic relief in the parts of Hell that THEY inhabit. And the Devil does too.
He just gaped at me. And we were drawing a small crowd, mostly black women. And two of them were nodding.
“And when you put it terms of ‘Black lives matter,’ that implies that white lives, and Asian lives, and Eskimo lives, and every other kind of lives don’t matter. So we get the feeling that if this is all about some sort of race test that we can’t hope to pass to your satisfaction because of who we are, not how we act, then screw you buddy, we’re not gonna play that game. So the rest of us get the feeling that if our lives don’t matter then why the hell should we care if you think ‘black lives matter?’ And it’s just a little ways from there for the rest of us to conclude that black lives DON’T matter either.”
“That’s right,” said one of the black ladies softly.
“So if you wanted a slogan that the Klan could understand and use to recruit with, well, brother, that’s it. So that slogan is either the worst kind of stupidity or the bastard who thought it up is trying to separate you from your natural allies or get you killed, or both. I can’t think of another slogan more calculated to get an American Hitler elected, and I HATE Nazis.”
Everybody was quiet now, but I thought, what the heck, might as well give ’em the whole sermon.
“And I’ll tell you something else” (I’m always telling somebody something else), “when I see these black racists of Farrakhan’s bunch talking about wanting a race war I’d say they haven’t looked at how the numbers stack up. Because let me tell you something about white folks at their worst. When they get scared that people are trying to kill them just because of who they are, when they get pissed off along racial lines, they don’t tear up their own neighborhoods or burn down their own communities like y’all do. They come to the neighborhoods of the people who threaten them and burn THEIR communities down and kill THEM. They have burned down whole CONTINENTS. And if you don’t believe me, just ask the Indians. So before you wear a slogan like THAT,” (and I pointed at his shirt), “you’d better think this shit through. If you manage to make this all about race and some American Hitler decides to put y’all on railroad cars leading to some camp, me and my white-assed friends will have to be the ones out blowing up the train tracks to keep that from happening, and I’ll tell you, I’d really rather stay home than get shot at because somebody was stupid enough to buy into some racist’s idea of how to view the world.”
I concluded: “This ain’t about black or white, it’s about good versus evil and ALL lives matter.” “And,” I added, “you forget that at your own peril.” It seemed like a good time time to walk away, so I did, leaving the cart behind. As I walked off, one of the black ladies said, “DAMN!”
It was perhaps my finest extemporaneous speech (with the possible exception of the one I am told I gave after-hours in the militia commander’s tent in Texas that time back in the fall of ’96, but I was drunk on Jameson’s Irish whiskey at the time and don’t remember a word).”
Posted by Dutchman6 at 10:39 AM
Someone ask him if the entire crowd started a round of applause at the end of his rant.
PS, here is the link to Mikes wonderful rant:
Those corporate slaves and Kulak’s better get it through their thick skulls right quick they got a really steep learning curve ahead of them if they expect to survive the pogrom being waged on their dis-armed sorry arses.
Anybody ever wonder what those fanning the flames and shit stirring this racial war will do when those they sponsor turn their attention to their property and prosperity?
“those who do not work should not eat.”
Funnily enough, I had just read these exact words in Codreanu’s ‘For My Legionaries’, though it concerned him preventing Marxist students from using the university cafeteria during a strike. The Left has to support a privileged and work-free existence for the ‘downtrodden’ because it is said to be their right, not only as ethnics of course, but also as the ‘working class’ which in many cases can be more accurately described as the ‘not working at all class’.
The left’s logic is thus “If a rich white man can have a swimming pool… then a poor black woman can take a dump in it. It’s only fair!”
Shit. You were doing so well until you started with the “chimpout.” Every word after that was nothing but undereducated nonsense and 150-year-old racist fuckwittery. Your pig-ignorance just shot your credibility in the foot – with a bazooka.
No, they’re NOT all “like that,” even though the actions of clown-costumed criminals would paint things that way for the consumption of people who are somewhat less educated than the average feral cat. Congratulations, Turbo – you fell for it.
Now. . . it’s time for you to go panhandle the education you’ve thus far been unable to borrow or steal.
So, what’s so wrong with being a racist?
If you’re not willing to fight in defense of private property, then it’s no longer private property. That’s also a rather crass misreading of what actually happened (the pool was being misused in an unauthorized way).