People on the alt-right to expect that the progressive state will be willing to put up a huge fight for its own survival. Granted, most Western states face profound challenges. There are a lot of highly motivated, well-paid, and intelligent people who are mostly dedicated to keeping the show going. There are many more of those on defense than they are on offense, which doesn’t bode all that well for the people on the offense.
I would suggest that, instead, many of those people who are well-paid and intelligent aren’t really all that motivated or dedicated to keeping the show going, when the show pays out less and less, and expects more and more bizarre behavior and prolific expressions of belief from the people dedicated to upholding it.
The focus should more be on demoralizing the higher order, ordinary, mercantile defenders of Progress, rather than the highly motivated, underpaid, but religiously devout progressives. The focus tends to be on people like the Social Justice Warriors, most of whom make little money, contribute little materially to the state, and are themselves repulsive to the enormous numbers of normal people who are otherwise loyal to the established order of things.
Leftism has succeeded so much in recent decades because it has become ‘normal’ for the professional classes, even when it’s against the long-term interests of those people — indeed, true progressives loath the bourgeoisie, and never miss an opportunity to tell the world how they feel about them. This is the much-groused-about ‘neoliberalism’ — the radical left would refrain from killing the bourgeoisie, so long as the bourgeoisie agreed to exterminate itself slowly through moral dissolution. The end is the same, but the pace is different.
Focusing on normal, high-achieving people — and telling them that it’s actually entirely OK to believe everything that their great-grandparents believed, to aspire to similar life patterns relative to their great-grandparents — might not have that radical flair which so excites dissidents, but it’s a lot more damaging to the progressive cause than it is to just holler at the fringe radicals who keep the leftward edge expanding.
“The focus should more be on demoralizing the higher order, ordinary, mercantile defenders of Progress, rather than the highly motivated, underpaid, but religiously devout progressives.”
Perhaps both?
I think you make an excellent point, and over the long haul that is probably the more fruitful strategy.
However, for the short term, agitating the prominent SJW’s seems to be paying dividends. Recent campaigns such as Gamergate and Vox Day’s Hugo slate have brought out the SJW’s totalitarian tendencies in response. That is useful in itself to open the eyes of those who don’t yet see, and could provoke an anti-SJW backlash.
I’m sure there are many who are potentially on our side, but only lack that moment of insight to see the matrix. Agitated SJW’s, the more prominent the better, speaking and acting like Commissars in the public eye could be just the thing to turn a larger segment of the public to our side. Especially when, as is often the case, the SJW tempest is over one of their favoured degeneracies.
What is the Left but a bunch of whiny, materialistic, hedonistic freeloaders? Their philosophy may win elections but it doesn’t win wars. Why put your ass in harm’s way if you have no children and no belief in the afterlife?
Great approach – it’s the execution that’s the trick.
The professional bourgeoisie are busy people who are ideologically insulated. By definition these are people who simply believe what they’re presented with because they have other things on their minds.
This is why I’ve tried to start focusing less on how doomed and beleaguered we are by the progressive establishment, and more on how to secure lasting victory when it falls apart, ideologically and organizationally.
One of the things I’ve found encouraging is that while the Liberal Modern state is indeed monolithic, with VAST resources at its disposal, and institutions that complement each other in their propagation of Liberalism perfectly… it just doesn’t have any heavyweight intellectual defenders anymore.
The Liberal project core has dwindled to a husk. The borg is now mostly made up of opportunists in search of power and money, and interest groups who want to milk Modernity for their own community perks.
RAMZPAUL said it best when making fun of the rather pitiful protest cadre that showed up to AMREN in 2014.
“There were a few protesters, and I’ll link to a video, but… it’s not like the 60s”
Liberalism doesn’t rely on winning the argument, it relies on you being too inconvenienced to make the argument.
I often wonder about this state of affairs. It is said a socialist is a communist who is afraid of using a gun to kill his perceived enemies, and a communist is a socialist who uses a gun to kill his perceived enemies.
There is a kernel or two of truth in that somewhere if history is a guide. But what I wonder about is how many of those socialists are communists, are they opportunists and idealists, are they just sucking off the teat of corruption of the state/corporate cronyism that passes for high paying employment? Are they minions and sycophants of an amerikanized version of the old soviet Nomenklaturer, and as long as the benefits of mooching off the proceeds and relative comfort and security of employment in an administrative tyranny they stay with it?
If so, do they have the heart and skin in the game to defend all that to the death? At the risk of fortune and life? Or are they so spoiled by the spoils and elitism that having nothing to loose and everything to gain to fight for what you believe in, no matter the cost, an alien concept?
If so, its no mystery “true progressives loath the bourgeoisie, and never miss an opportunity to tell the world how they feel about them.”
“They”, are like beings from some other planet if you ask me. This world has a never ending supply of tragedy and tribulation, things they try a man, and question his faith in humanity, it is just that way, and nothing will ever change that, it is part of humanity, just as the beauty and creativity, the industriousness and ingenuity, never mind the love kindness and faith countless people possess and spread around, that too is humanity.
Take this here United States, for all our warts and faults, it is unique if for only one thing, the idea of liberty. I think it is God granted, and that defines that uniqueness. It is our golden goose, the idea of property, and inherent wealth and happiness of prosperity. We are the golden goose, those who contribute and produce something just a bit more and better. It is almost magical, a real life miracle. It is the golden egg of our prosperity and happiness. And it is primal, spiritual too I think, where the energy and will originates that makes it possible.
And you have these people who are never happy with this being, this state of mind and purpose, they leech off this energy, and through commission, not omission, work to destroy this golden goose. They are like totalitarians among us, zombies of exclusivity. Nobody who lays golden eggs are harming them, or coercing them, or using threat of force or violence to make them do things anathema to the way of the golden goose. Or committing acts which if complied with, destroy their traditions and culture and basic essential way of life.
What is so bad, so evil in them that they do to others that which if was done to them would be abhorrent? That denied them a livelihood, property, security, self defense, plain good ole happiness from the fruits of their labors?
Do these people think they are gods, or are they only naked mandarins?
But I wonder, can they fight. I mean really fight. Like fight as in the ugly dirty nasty brutal coin of war of mutual extermination. Because sometimes I think that is what it will come down to. Because if these hateful corrupt souls who want to tear everything beautiful and wonderful down can’t leave enough alone, they and a never ending stream of them will never quite, untill there ain’t enough of them to matter.
Just saying.
There are plenty of people invested in keeping the current state of affairs going who care nothing about liberal progressiveness – things going to shit isn’t an ideal situation or desirable. Having it all fall apart can’t be a goal.
A few progressive types will push for more female combat roles sure but shareholders of Boeing or Northrop bidding to make the next strategic bomber for the DoD don’t care all that much. They have skin in the game to keep things going as best they can to get paid.
That is worth keeping in mind.
If you see the main enemy as say university professors then yes you may be right. But I don’t think the fag left is the problem, rather I think it is the globalists.
There are lots of possible enemies for us to have – I think our enemies are essentially the globalists.
There are lots of possible enemy ideologies for us to have – I think essentially the enemy ideology is multiculturalism.
Of course the globalists have bought into leftism and leftism feeds into globalism, so there is overlap.
I believe this is wrong – I would suggest that, instead, many of those people who are well-paid and intelligent aren’t really all that motivated or dedicated to keeping the show going, when the show pays out less and less
Employees of the multi-national corporations work constantly with a multi-cultural work force on a daily basis. Such a person is highly rewarded and has high expectations of the future. For them the show is paying more and more. Try telling that person that their different work colleagues should be treated differently, try telling them that these people belong purely in their own countries and should not be jumping around from place to place like Mexican jumping beans. They will not buy it.
Furthermore you are assuming that the elite is ideological (ie high brow university professors) and can be convinced with Nrxs
highfalutin’ ideas. But the globalist elite are far from that – they may be technically competent but they are basically intellectually retarded. There is no way you are going to convince them with some sort of dialectic.
I understand that one of your key points is that the neoreactionaries need to win over the elite. I don’t see it happening – contrary to what you say, they are committed to the status quo.
We need to work at the margins. What will occur is that intelligent, highly educated people are going to start getting fucked over at a very high rate. They will do worse than their parents and worse than their connected peers. Concentrate on them.
The current Progressive State cannot possibly endure because it totally demotivates the productive classes who the State needs to keep paying for its own perpetuation. But it is clear from Greece and Venezuela that the Progressive State will take everything and everyone down with them rather than admit they were wrong. I don’t know what that spells for the next 10-20 years in what was formerly a free republic. But it took 70 years for the USSR to collapse. Although I always maintain that the Soviet Communist Party did not “collapse” – it just moved to the US.
Yeah. They don’t care. They’ll make it a bloodbath like Venezuela. Venezuela was nice, relatively speaking. Now you have to smuggle in toilet paper.