If you were given a job by a governor or a mayor to ethnically cleanse a city of a problematic group while maintaining plausible deniability, how would you do it?
In modern times, media technology is the most powerful coordination-generating tool available to any political leader. Mass media — and to some extent, the internet — has proven effectiveness in coordinating ethnic cleansing campaigns. ‘Hutu Radio,’ even in relatively primitive Rwanda, helped to stoke resentment against the Tutsis, and eventually to direct terror against them until they were partially exterminated and driven out of their territories.
That’s an extreme example, but you can accomplish similar feats over a longer period of time using more covert (if expensive and wasteful) policies.
In a recent post, I referenced the demographic progression of New York City during the 20th century — when Whites went from being close to 100% of the population to being a bare plurality throughout the city and in most boroughs. Only in Manhattan do they still maintain a bare majority.
This stunning population displacement in this city — which was more pronounced in others, like Detroit — has been a mostly conscious political policy of suppression of the White ethnic group (which is itself rather diverse and not all that descriptive).
In schools, Americans learn nothing but positive things about Civil Rights. They rarely learn much about the ethnic displacements of Whites from American cities except in positive terms.
Often this phenomenon tends to be called ‘white flight’ — and is attributed to ‘racism’ and a growth in crime rather than shifts in values.
Although the bussing policy that began after the landmark Brown vs. Board of Education case has been widely acknowledged to be a failure, the commencement of the program tends to be portrayed as a victory. The enactment of anti-discrimination laws and all sorts of other regulations tends to be portrayed as a positive good.
The reality is that this was an ethnic suppression campaign that has been wildly successful. In NYC, America’s capitol of capitalism, the proportion of Whites was cut in half from 1950-2000, from 90% to about 45%. That’s about 7 million to around 3.5 million — a displacement of 3.5 million, which must include some fertility suppression as well.
Indeed, a recent NY Post article pointed to a historically low birthrate for the entire city. Black and Whites, the two groups who have suffered the largest relative recent population losses in the city, also have the lowest birthrates. The Black population peaked at 28% in the 1990s, after enjoying explosive growth — roughly tripling in the same time that the White population dropped by half.
Getting rid of 3.5 million Whites from one city in less than a century is an impressive feat, especially because it required no cattle cars or forced marches. How did they get it done, and with such clean hands, also?
Well, one easy way to do it is to teach in the schools that the ethnic group you want to get rid of is really evil and a source of all the bad things in history. Anyone who has been through the post-1960s education system knows that this is a major theme.
Another great thing to do is to encourage women in the ethnic group you want to get rid of to go in for long educations and strenuous careers, rather than having kids. If they have lots of kids, they’re harder to physically remove from the cities you want to get rid of them in. As we all know, this has been a major theme taught to the American White middle classes, who have been told to basically eliminate themselves or otherwise relegate themselves to the geographic fringes.
Also, it’s a great idea to condition the people you want to exterminate that non-procreative sex is awesome — far preferable to the kind that makes new life — and should be indulged in early and often, to build up habits which are difficult to break before forming a family.
You would also want to encourage women of all kinds to divorce if they do have children, and to live off the state instead of forming families. This makes family life even less attractive to members of the ethnic group you want to deplete from certain areas. Furthermore, it breaks up family fortunes, sending them into the grabbing hands of lawyers, family counselors, the state, and other hard-working professionals who only have the best interests of children within their big hearts.
All of this works great — in a short period of time, you can remove millions of people from the target ethnic group, forcing them to move to economically marginal areas, solidifying political control for your ethnic group and whatever coalition that you’ve brought along for the ride.
Finally, you want to soft-pedal the enforcement of criminal laws– especially symbolic, humiliating ones like rape — targeted against the population that you want to suppress or remove. Instead of executing criminals, you want to make a pretense of ‘rehabilitating’ them, providing them with long trials, generous probation periods, good-behavior releases, expensive prisons, and other forms of coddling based on relatively recent philosophical developments.
This makes it so that the ethnic group you want to get rid of knows that the police aren’t really on their sides, or are otherwise incapable of doing much. Meanwhile, you call any attempts at organizing defense by the group you want to displace either ‘terrorism’ or ‘organized crime.’
This policy is nothing more than a way of seizing territory and property from the people you want to get rid of. Using this policy, you can extract resources from healthy, successful people using coalitions of barbarians guided by glib sophists. It’s so effective that you can distribute the spoils from the millions of people you chase away to your cronies. Who said the era of rape & pillage was over? It’s just as effective as it ever was.
That’s democracy in the modern West. Conservative parties generally exist to prevent significant resistance to these campaigns from forming — by misdirecting attention to meaningless non-issues while people are prevented from living out good lives in the cities that their ancestors built in the wilderness.
In this all the anti-white-male rhetoric coming from every mouthpiece in the country in the same tone is entirely understandable. They’re doing a great job, and have the track record to show success at displacing millions of people from the most valuable real estate in the country without generating much of any controversy at all and no international condemnation of much significance. Actually, rather the opposite — the increase of ‘diversity’ tends to be celebrated as a wonderful thing, even when it actually just means the displacement of one ethnic group by others through the use of force as a matter of official state policy.
The point of mass immigration is in part to demonstrate the power of the state over its entire territory. If an ethnic group under control of the state can’t even defend its own land or determine who can and can’t settle there, then it has no authority. This is one reason why Stalin moved the Chechens from one piece of land to another — to try to break their resistance entirely.
Essentially we should understand the modern democratic politics as a way for one leadership population to loot other groups without actually turning to direct conflict. Why go through the trouble of killing a man and taking his property when you can just get him to flee — and have no children — instead?
And probably have him thank you for it afterwards — to consider his displacement and disinheritance to be a good thing? We can perhaps attribute some of that behavior to lobbying for some of the spoils, but not all of it. Some of it comes authentically, as an expression of genuine belief.
That’s really an impressive trick, and we have to doff our hats to the democrats and their friends for pulling it off.
Meh – whining. Blacks are leaving San Francisco, how does that fit with your nobody-loves-whites self-pity? That’s one thing I hate about Neo Reaction, whatever, despite being an HBDer myself – so much whining. You have to be really careful with that stuff, to not discredit yourselves and not chase people off who despise it. Anyway, as I understand it, people in cities’ birthrates drop. If so it’s good that whites get out.
San Francisco sucks, and living there is actually a sort of punishment, complete with financial penalties for renters. Blacks are also leaving NYC, being replaced by Asians and Hispanics.
Being displaced from valuable territory to the order of millions by other ethnic groups is indeed a loss. But this isn’t so much of a whine or an appeal against the immorality of ethnic conflict — we should learn what strategies work.
Is NYC really that valuable a territory? Lol the cities are the perfect place to stick low wage slaves when the ponzu scheme known as Wall Street implodes. Give me the bread basket and shale boom zones any day of the week over a U.S. Black hole city. I’m moving soon from the east coast and taking my three white children and wife with me. I can’t wait. Going to start buying property and setting up a business.
Yes, it’s the most valuable real estate in the country. No, Wall Street isn’t entirely a Ponzi scheme. And New York used to have a much more diverse economy. Certainly not a bad idea to leave the east coast.
That pointing out how your people have been displaced can be easily dismissed as “whining” is a testament to how far things have gone.
Two books by E. Michael Jones:
Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation & Political Control
The Slaughter of Cities: Urban Renewal As Ethnic Cleansing
He also wrote another very naughty anti-establishment book. All these are from a Catholic theological point of view, but are factual.
I have read one Jones book but the other two have been on my list for a while. I should probably read “Slaughter” at least. I’ve read excerpts of both.
You have a good bit of the story, but you should save the opining until you read The Slaughter of Cities, manages to be maybe the best history book on the power politics in 20th century US without being particularly well written and terribly edited.
I ordered it yesterday. He should lower the price. I know some of it through JT Gatto and reading other Jones articles and lectures.
I read “Degenerate Moderns.”
Incidentally, which Jones’ book did you read? JRS?
This is a very good model for today’s US demographics. But what happens when Islam becomes a significant metropolitan population %age? Do you think this model will hold?
We see the answer in Europe, where it is a factor. If anything Islam provides a unity of purpose and coordination that anarcho-tyranny lacks.
It strikes me as cultural abortion strategy writ large.
Some key parallels in the processes between the genocide of millions of babies through state sanctioned abortion, and this ethnic pogrom here. Too complex for me to put into words, but I get the sense of it.
The vastness of the evil in the hearts of those behind these things is stunning. What lurks in these peoples dark hearts they have such hate and unbridled hubris.
Call me provincial, but this place called America has an exceptionalism in it which is a natural born moral high ground, these destructive creatures and their long march not withstanding, where do they come from, what could be so bad or offensive in the sphere of their lives they are so destructive, or should say self destructive. I mean this shit is a downward spiral. At some point the diminishing returns of these statist psychopaths consume all the seed corn and I suspect in the case of America, the pogromed become the hunters, where the only remedy is a war of mutual extermination. Because if one thing is clear, the two can not coexist for long.
At some point they are going to have to go Nazi on their existential enemies if they are to spread their disease into the frontiers beyond thier current territory.
I mean such evil is never satiated or satisfied it always seeks more power, more control, more of the same. I think it couldn’t stop even if it wanted, is like a runaway train, it stops when it crashes into something stronger.
You back your targets of your hate into a corner and at some point they fight back with a vengeance.
There are a lot of guns, ammo, material, and the wherewithal and ingenuity of a not small number of people out there who are quite capable of embarrassing even the largest army on Earth. Never mind just how vast this land and its resources truly are.
And not for nothing, for all their arrogance and contempt for those they have served this diaspora to, they ain’t the ones who produce things or keep things running, or even make the civility we all enjoy possible.
Know what Im saying here Mr. Dampier?
I don’t agree with your analysis of why whites left the cities. It fails on several accounts. First, the promotion of non-reproductive sex and abortion has been targeted far more to blacks and hispanics. Abortion clinics and planned parenthoods are located in their neighborhoods for a reason. And they’ve been successful at their little project. Black fertility rates now hover just at replacement.
Second, the type of white who does live in the city tends to be precisely the over educated careerist, that is, the Sex and the City type. So pushing education and careers isn’t what is pushing whites out of the cities.
Third, cities are known for having lower birthrates then surrounding countryside and small towns. This is true worldwide and throughout history. It’s true in monoethnic Japan. It was true in ancient Rome.
Fourth, cities are not good places to raise children. They’re like mouse utopia. Who the hell wants to live in a little box stacked on other boxes? Cities are crowded, dirty, noisy, crime ridden and dangerous.
I think the reason most whites left was because they had the werewithal to do so. Crime and schools were probably the primary motivators.
Your arguments hold up better if you are discussing overall white demographics for the whole nation, not just cities. Whites do have the lowest fertility rate of all groups, save Asians. Between that and inundating our country with non-white immigrants the progs will have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams: a white minority in America.
I do hope the progs enjoy being stuffed in their crumbling cities with their new brown friends. When the whole thing blows they can burn with their cities.
>I don’t agree with your analysis of why whites left the cities. It fails on several accounts. First, the promotion of non-reproductive sex and abortion has been targeted far more to blacks and hispanics. Abortion clinics and planned parenthoods are located in their neighborhoods for a reason. And they’ve been successful at their little project. Black fertility rates now hover just at replacement.
In some ways, yes — planned parenthood does this. In others, no — the elite has taken to the treatment with far greater gusto.
>I do hope the progs enjoy being stuffed in their crumbling cities with their new brown friends. When the whole thing blows they can burn with their cities.
Of course I feel for my urban friends and family, but not enough to want to protect anyone from the consequences of the policies that they tend to support.
What of the fact that most people the world over prefer private cars to public transportation? Even in Singapore, where the latter is excellent and the former is super-expensive. A huge blow to American cities was that by 1950 most white families could afford a car, and they didn’t want to spend 30 minutes looking for a parking space within a half-mile of the store.
This was not a natural economic occurance, but had to do with the creation of the FHA and the interstate, along with a lot of other stuff. I’ll return to this topic at some time in the future.
I can’t figure out if you are trying to say this was some sort of ploy by the organized Jewish community. Jews do not have immunity from any of these policies. They were driven out of the inner cities, looted and pillaged in the same numbers, were convinced that non-reproductive and promiscuous sex is awesome, were subjected to feminism, low fertility rates, divorce, etc. maybe even more than white gentiles since they tend to be more liberal and fully immersed in the Cathedral. Maybe I am misinterpreting you.
I didn’t say nuffin about Jews.
It was actually the big foundations that drove the trend, which was a mixed WASP-Jewish show. And indeed, the WASPS and some sections of the Jews have been destroyed even more by their own material.
For example, someone like Woody Allen is a great symbol of that cultural self-destruction, even if he’s done fairly well for himself materially. Allen did more damage to Jews than any postwar antisemite could have dreamed of doing.
Alright. I agree that it was generally a mixed WASP-Jewish show.
The only thing I’m not sure about: do you really think the sexual revolution was an intentional ploy to destroy the family or just wishful thinking on the part of rebellious youth and hippies? I think the stage had been set for it going back to the Enlightenment and the resulting intellectual movements (Sade, Bataille, Freud, Foucault, etc.).
Marcuse, Freud, Adorno, and the rest were very clear about what they wanted to do, and it’s clear what they did. The sexual revolution had psychology, psychoanalysis, and sociology presaging it.
Also the weakening of the family goes back much longer than a century; it was part of the conscious design behind compulsory schooling.
Why do you have a picture of Ataturk on top?
An excellent reframing of the whole topic. I particularly like the reframing of “white flight” from something whites should feel guilty about to a deliberate act of pushing of white people out of their own territory.
Didn’t find it “whiny” at all.
What started as a conscious policy directed against Catholics has shifted into one directed at Whites in general.
I would love to raise my kids in a big safe white city. America still has a few cities that sort of meet that criteria, but even those suffer from the plague of black crime (Denver, Seattle etc). Whites didn’t move to the burbs because they like spending hours commuting to work in cars. They moved to the burbs to keep their kids safe from violent blacks and ruined public schools post integration. American cities were safe to live in prior to the 1960s and civil rights. The ongoing Color(ed) Revolution in America is going to make cities even more dangerous for white people. How many whites will be living in Baltimore in 20 years? 10%?
Do you think the conscious part was linked to the Tavistock institute?
Do ANY of you live in New York? I don’t think I’ve ever read anything so totally off about this city I’ve lived in for 45 years. Even if the white flight to the suburbs took place, that was hardly a ‘white genocide’, if the place is almost wholly white-owned and -operated. Or even if you want to force it with the ‘fact’ that a ‘prog-left’ city HAS to have a ‘white genocide’ as something that inheres in it, it must’ve stopped.
What about the turnarounds that totally did occur, have occurred, and are occurring faster than ever since the 80s, with Koch and the vastly improved subways, the arrests even for graffiti, Giuliani’s enormous reduction of crime, including petty crime, the gentrification that now is almost gross as legacy from Bloomberg.
You write it as though it’s ‘barely breathing’ any better than Detroit (which is even getting huge funding, but I’m not interested in that now). People from all over the world want to move to the richest real estate, including those who want to hide their money, buying condos at Time Warner in $25 million in cash in some cases. The stories about Midtown North by Louise Story and Stephanie Saul were in NYT in Jan. and Feb., the LLC’s galore, the money laundering.
How can their be this massive gentrification and ‘genocide’ of the people who have the money? It’s not even unsafe in a lot of the places that were strictly ghetto-drugs as recently as 20 years ago.
I’ve even read commentary by NRxers on other sites about how this has happened, and that there has been the push OUT of the blacks and browns to the other boroughs at least, but even there Brooklyn has now become gentrified in places that didn’t exist at all as such 15 years ago. You can still find places of ‘Deep Drug’ and ‘Deep Ghetto’, but you’re just not including all the material. I think I even read one NRxer say that even in San Francisco this kind of ‘reality thing’ was going on despite the extreme ‘progness’ of that town, but that one I don’t know about.
All the small businesses are closing at record speeds in prime neighborhoods. The Whitney reopens downtown. West Street is not scum and public sex, it is movie stars and Richard Meier triplexes.
I don’t know how you even imagine such a thing could be happening, if it ever was. Yes, sure, the politics is very vulgar about what you can say (including the NYTimes, which lectures France on ‘letting Muslims wear their religious clothing to school’, as if it were any of their Jewish business), but I don’t know how you’ve gotten this except that you must want to see it. And it SHOULD follow, I guess, from the idiot p.c., and the hatred of white males, etc., but it just doesn’t.
I am from the city. I didn’t call it a white genocide. I just pointed out that the white population has dropped by about 3.5 million, replaced by people of other ethnic groups. I lived through the Giuliani reversal, so I remember (albeit at a young age) what it was like before and after.
The relative improvement in property values did not bring the displaced population back — it’s just slowed/halted the decline.
>You write it as though it’s ‘barely breathing’ any better than Detroit (which is even getting huge funding, but I’m not interested in that now). People from all over the world want to move to the richest real estate, including those who want to hide their money, buying condos at Time Warner in $25 million in cash in some cases. The stories about Midtown North by Louise Story and Stephanie Saul were in NYT in Jan. and Feb., the LLC’s galore, the money laundering.
Never said ‘barely breathing,’ but those schemes aren’t good for the long term health of the city as a place to do business that’s not money laundering.
>but even there Brooklyn has now become gentrified in places that didn’t exist at all as such 15 years ago.
Intimately familiar with this. Why so defensive?
>I don’t know how you even imagine such a thing could be happening, if it ever was. Yes, sure, the politics is very vulgar about what you can say (including the NYTimes, which lectures France on ‘letting Muslims wear their religious clothing to school’, as if it were any of their Jewish business), but I don’t know how you’ve gotten this except that you must want to see it. And it SHOULD follow, I guess, from the idiot p.c., and the hatred of white males, etc., but it just doesn’t.
The numbers, kid — down 3.5 million, replaced mostly by Asians and Hispanics. That was a 90%+ European city right after the war; now it’s polyglot.
Not sure how you think the rising class of Chinese money launderers and the bold leadership of DiBlasio is going to prevent the city from reverting to the mean of urban trends in the US.
And yes, that small businesses are shutting down in certain neighborhoods (funny you should mention it, as my mother mentioned the same thing to me when I asked her about how businesses were doing on a certain block in Brooklyn), is a good sign about what direction the city is headed in.
Look, it’s not genius stuff — you can’t run a city solely on real estate speculation, QE-fueled industries, and money laundering at Columbus Circle with an insane government increasingly dominated by open Communists and a media eager to turn the city into Detroit. Good luck, though — you’re going to need it. I’ll be happy to come back into town when it’s on fire and there’s blood in the streets. Complacency from people like you makes that more likely to happen. So, please, continue saying “what me worry?” I am also not a San Francisco bull for a similar reason. You guys act like no country has ever tried this sort of financial shell game before. The end result is entirely predictable.
You act like p.c. culture didn’t have a large hand in the displacement of the European population by about half in 50 years… many of those ethnic groups displacing whites also get an enormous amount of government money.
>but even there Brooklyn has now become gentrified in places that didn’t exist at all as such 15 years ago.
Intimately familiar with this. Why so defensive?
Haven’t any idea what you mean by ‘defensive’. Maybe I just don’t know all the neighbourhoods of Brooklyn well enough to be sure how long that particular cluster of gentrification will take place.
Where I do live (West Village), it’s almost entirely white. I know that doesn’t mean it’s like that everywhere, but when I first moved here it was very nice, but I didn’t have big hedge fund guys a few houses down.
“You act like p.c. culture didn’t have a large hand in the displacement of the European population by about half in 50 years… many of those ethnic groups displacing whites also get an enormous amount of government money. ”
No, I don’t. I know it did, it’s just that’s not what RUNS the city, and you know it.
Okay, you said ‘how to ethnically cleanse’ a city, I assumed you meant ‘cleansing of whites’. Which you did.
“I’ll be happy to come back into town when it’s on fire and there’s blood in the streets. ”
You’re all like that, that’s why somebody else accused you of ‘whining’. You just make up things and wish for apocalypse ‘soon’. Not all of you, but you obviously do.
But it’s not about complacency. It’s about affordability. That’s why there’s been the reversal. I was here in the late 60s (so don’t call me ‘kid’) and through the 70s–I liked it better then in some ways, but that’s when there was the seediness, which I don’t miss.
I guess that I must think that if the city is infinitely safer and works better and is white-run (I know the money-laundering at high levels is exceptional, but that’s also why people decide to make New York work, because it’s popular), that used to seem to go hand-in-hand (dinginess) don’t necessarily here. Maybe the case is different in places that aren’t seen as so important, but there was another NRxer that said that that was the case in Paris, with ethnic groups being run out into the banlieue, but not saying anything about it, and it’s well-known that Stockholm, where p.c. is absurd beyond any American-prog’s imagining, is very segregated, usually by occupation (the culture people in some quarters, the lower-downs in various other ones.)
Far worse than any of the matters you’re talking about is the near-apology Muslims get with every new attack, although I think that’s changing, and that you’d see more of it here if we had the percentage of Muslims that France has, because they’re finally facing it.
But we’ll stop if you’re just going to play the blood and fire Staten-Island card.
I’ve spent an enormous amount of time in Greenwich Village. One of my parents had an apartment on 6th Ave. there for a couple years. Yes, it’s white. The city as a whole has lost an enormous number of whites, including Manhattan. Gentrification slowed the decline in population but did not increase the white population. This is a major misconception that many people have about the phenomenon, even among people like you and me who are from the city.
If you were in the city in the 1970s you know how bad it was — seems odd to me that you and most others who continue to live there remain in denial about the likely direction of the city. If it was going to stay as it was, DiBlasio never would have been allowed to get into office. It’s an unstable situation.
>You’re all like that, that’s why somebody else accused you of ‘whining’. You just make up things and wish for apocalypse ‘soon’. Not all of you, but you obviously do.
Hey now, there’s no better time to buy then when things are on fire. Usually.
>Okay, you said ‘how to ethnically cleanse’ a city, I assumed you meant ‘cleansing of whites’. Which you did.
And you’ve ignored the population numbers in favor of, what, your feelings? There has been no recovery of that displaced population. New York is self-satisfied because it didn’t wind up like so many other American cities did. It is an unprincipled exception during a time when all of those are being knocked out.
Ha ha, yes. I knew you meant that about the ‘buying’ during the blood. A true native New Yorker…
The protest after Baltimore here did seem particularly unsavoury, it was just a few blocks over, but I still couldn’t hear the screaming, and thought “Oh, more Union Square candlelight vigil writ large”. I wake up the next day and over 130 have been arrested. The police haven’t quit operating here by a long shot, and DeBlasio may be a mere aberration, but then remember Giuliani also wanted a 3rd-term and people thought that was ‘outrageous’ despite his leadership after 9/11 (‘anybody could have done that’, one dyke told me…sorry…), and somehow Bloomberg, who bought his election but turned out mostly good anyway, got a third term, so I don’t know if you can draw any conclusions about DiBlasio. People saw plenty fast what Dinkins was about, you’ll recall, and we weren’t anywhere where we are now in the early 90s.
Yes, it’s an ‘unprincipled exceptionalism’, but so is Paris and so is London, and culture requires it surely. People want these kinds of world cities to love and hate at the same time. Totally decentered geography has survived what Virilio was talking about, he seemed to think it had already happened. Yes, my ‘feelings’ aren’t able to allow for totally decentering of urbanisms. Look at the Chinese, they are absolutely gluttonous for enough buildings to reflect their gluttony of bodies.
Fuck the cities. Leave them to the hipsters and the dindus. We should be thinking beyond them, to the post-megacity world. What neoreaction should strive for is a rebirth of manor culture, which is made more attractive than ever by modern transportation and (especially) the internet.
Look, big cities made a lot of sense once. Intellectuals wanted to come together in places where they could easily communicate with other smart and like-minded people. There were cultural opportunities that could only be had in big cities – in my youth, arthouse cinemas, specialty bookshops, and indie bands were high on the list. And there were educational opportunities, even for grown adults, like classes at the New School, lectures at the 92nd Street Y, and access to the New York Public Library. Hell, even the New York Times was, not long ago, difficult to get outside of the greater NYC area.
Now? The internet means you can communicate with anyone, anywhere, at any length, in real time. Read their blogs. Listen to their podcasts. Download their self-published books from Amazon. If you want personal interaction, start a Skype call or a Google Hangout with them. If you want their opinion on your own new manuscript, attach it to an email, and all 1000 pages of it are there in seconds. If you want to visit them in person, drive an hour to an airport, get on a jet airplane, and you’ll be having dinner with them that evening. Want an out-of-print book, or a few boxes of Japanese-made curry mix, or a European import game for your Playstation 4? Amazon Prime will have it on your doorstep, with free shipping, in two days. Want to see an arthouse film? Netflix will have it, and if they don’t, Hulu will have it, and if they don’t, the Pirate Bay will have it. Your favorite indie bands are on iTunes, Pandora, and Spotify, all of which will make suggestions for new bands for you to listen to based on your past history. That lecture at the Y will be on YouTube before the people who went to it in person get home to Staten Island. And forget the NYPL – you can get a personal subscription to JSTOR for $20 a month, which is less than the subway rides back and forth to the library would have cost you.
With all that at our disposal, there is literally no reason we can’t see the rebirth of the country gentleman in this day and age – and I’ll even remind you that that was the ideal not only of the British aristocracy, but of the American founding fathers as well. They wanted a culture based in manors like Monticello, Montpelier, and Mount Vernon, not in polluted, overcrowded megacities like New York and Los Angeles. But you don’t need to be able to afford to build a Castle Howard of your own to be able to do any of this (thought being able to afford a big house is, of course, much more possible in the country). A simple house with a garden to tend are all you need.
Leave the cities to lesser people, the same way that you leave television and fast food to them. Let them fester. Let them burn. Let them collapse into chaos. The internet-powered country squire is something that mixes the best of the old and the new – and nothing could be more neoreactionary than that.
Cities are important, just in a general world-historical sense.
Cities as they are in the US are likely to go to the US urban mean, which isn’t great, and has some questionable fundamentals.
I’m not really confident that the internet as it is will continue to exist, for some combination of regulatory changes and general security issues.
We can do without megacities. Most places throughout most of history have. Cities on the scale that we have them today are a historical aberration – Boston was a “city” of 30,000 people at the time of the American Revolution. By the standards of the day, that was impressive. Today it barely rises over the level of a small town.
There were always alternate centers of intellectualism, culture, and economic power available. But now basing a culture on them is even more possible.
As for the internet – the government is increasingly oppressive, but also increasingly incompetent. Determined people can find ways around state interference in their lives, including their digital lives. And even this government isn’t stupid enough to kill the goose that laid the golden egg by making the internet unusable.
This is the future of the cities:
“We can do without megacities. ”
People like you can, who don’t even assess them as they are. And, as I said yesterday, LOOK at the Chinese megacities. I think Shanghai proper is the biggest city in the world, and they keep building the new skyscrapers just like Hong Kong and Kuala Lumpur and Dubai do. So, as long as you’re going to trash all the centers, quit concentrating only on American ones who’ve let you down. One of the leading neoreaction people seems to love the internet, but not that much more than Shanghai and Hong Kong and, God knows, Singapore, which everybody seems to be oozing about. Well, I’m glad I’ve something to appreciate him for specifically, even though I’m not personally that attracted to China.
Urban culture is still the gold standard. If you want to be a ‘country squire’, British-style of Founding Father style, you can do it, but it’s not going to make city people ‘lesser’. Henry David Thoreau was trying to prove that looking at ice formations in frozen lakes in some godforsaken pond in Mass. (I’ve taken a look) and talking about Virgil in the woods was a much higher form of existence than the cities, too. I paid attention for a long time too. He was full of shit.
“That lecture at the Y will be on YouTube before the people who went to it in person get home to Staten Island.”
Yeah, as long as you think the YouTube is a substitute for live performance, which it’s not and never has been. It’s useful and I use them all the time, but that’s not the same unless you don’t mind everything in recorded form. I order things off Amazon all the time, some cabaret singer I like, but it’s not better than if she’d be at one of the clubs again. Lectures at the Y I’ve heard too many of, that doesn’t exactly have the big draw it did, although some of them were good.
It always takes a long time to get home to Staten Island. THAT tried to secede, you know, in 1990, I was working at the NYLaw Dept, and I doubt the percentages of audience at YMHA from Great Kills is great. It’s not really a part of the city the way the other boroughs are, and is distinctly hostile, lots of parts of New Jersey suburbs nearby are better, and certainly Connecticut.
“or a few boxes of Japanese-made curry mix”
That sounds like junk food to me.
“Intellectuals wanted to come together in places where they could easily communicate with other smart and like-minded people.”
They still do. Lots of them go to talk to Charlie Rose too, although you have to watch it on TV. It’s all I watch, I’ve lately noticed. I saw Alex Garland on there two nights ago, and that prompted me to go see ‘Ex Machina’, a fantastic film. I noted that he himself (though from well-to-do English) has to see feature film on a movie screen like I do, it’s not the same on Netflix or tv, although we do with that when we have to. Yes, to see a movie like ‘Ex Machina’, in an ‘antique’ as you would see it. Why don’t you burn if you have to use talk like that?
Dampier–while I agree with you about white flight being largely a result of p.c. bullshit, I wondered also if that period beginning in the 50s might have been also because people really often preferred to move to the suburbs, when they were still quite novel (as were shopping ‘centers’.) I’m seriously asking that, because by the 70s, the charm of suburbia had gotten a little saggy, unless you were able to afford Oyster Bay or Greenwich. I’ve lived in suburbs briefly, but before New York, I lived in the South and grew up on my grandfather’s farm. It was a great childhood, but the small town with the schools, etc., was less wonderful, to say the least.
Anyway, I think lots of people really do like suburbs, but they definitely also like to come into the city, even when they’ve got every electronic app you can buy.
“Leave the cities to lesser people, the same way that you leave television and fast food to them. Let them fester. Let them burn. Let them collapse into chaos. ”
Yes, this attitude always interests me, and it’s ignorant in the case of the world cities, in any case. But even smaller cities like Portland and Boston can still be nice. Or Toronto is near-perfect in the sense of spotless sort of city.
But, you know, anti-dem, I used to think that all these cities, including NYC, were ‘watering down’, becoming diffuse (or something was diluting them, viz., the internet.) But everybody here has phones but still wants to come here.
You haven’t really any right, except garden-variety snobbism, to say that ‘city people are lesser’ (at least, not necessarily lesser) than I do to say that rural and small-town people are inferior, since my family is from that, and have done well.
But you DON’T have to buy the NYTimes anymore. Things like that. People are always saying the ‘public sector is dead’, but I constantly talk to people in parks or stores or just anywhere. Not a substitute for friendship, but then neither is ‘internet pal’, which I’ve tried, and it is at best an accessory.
Good luck on your Country Squire Gig if you can get it.
Augustina wrote: ‘I think the reason most whites left was because they had the werewithal to do so. Crime and schools were probably the primary motivators. ”
Just saw that again. I think that may be a big factor too. And the suburbs were promoted as a kind of paradise then, which people found out that weren’t nearly always. Some even had the means to live on some parts of Fifth Avenue, but wanted some semi-country life. Although not nearly all. Some people are urbanites. Definitely agree with whoever said Woody Allen is no great example of anything to emulate, though.
Another formation is Los Angeles, which went the opposite direction–all suburb-like with a minor (by comparison) downtown, started to want to become all big-city-like in the 60s, and started building up DT. I went a lot in the 00s, about 11 times, even over that period there was great improvement insofar as that was possible in so vast a sprawl kind of city. The Hollywood area was gentrified right before my eyes during that decade.
But I think the NRx tenet is not to improve cities (unless it can be 175 i.q. like Singapore), but to live on the net mostly. Don’t even go to restaurants, I guess, order in. I’ve read a lot of you, not all are equally anti-social (and I usually think of myself as such.)
“A simple house with a garden to tend are all you need.”
Who says? Mr. R—– down the street made an enormous fortune shorting the housing market in 2007 and built a townhouse that’s the best on the block. He stays in it most of the time too.
“The internet-powered country squire is something that mixes the best of the old and the new – and nothing could be more neoreactionary than that.”
That’s like Nathan in ‘Ex Machina’ to a great degree, except he was wholly involved with making AI in the wilderness. Had made a bunch of girl AIs, useful in many ways, but he couldn’t be satisfied, and the gardens were taken care of, remotely I guess. No farming there. Your ‘internet squire’ sounds fine for you and other Anglophiles.
>”Urban culture is still the gold standard.”
Whose gold standard? Based on what? Why should I take their word for it? From what I can see, urban culture is Hollywood and New York – a sewer pipe of degeneracy and leftism pumping absolute filth worldwide. Lots of people seem to like it, but that doesn’t mean I need to accept it as a “gold standard”.
>”And, as I said yesterday, LOOK at the Chinese megacities. I think Shanghai proper is the biggest city in the world, and they keep building the new skyscrapers just like Hong Kong and Kuala Lumpur and Dubai do.”
Yup – they sure are big.
>”Yeah, as long as you think the YouTube is a substitute for live performance, which it’s not and never has been.”
Depends on what you’re using it for. I fail to see the value loss in our lecture scenario unless you want a “I was in the same room as greatness” story. And in all cases, it’s close enough. Buy a $35 Chromecast and throw the performance you want to see up onto an 80″ HDTV – it’s just like being there.
>”Yes, this attitude always interests me, and it’s ignorant in the case of the world cities, in any case.”
No, not really. I’m not some rusticator. Like Dampier, the reason I’m so unimpressed by greater NYC is that I grew up there and know it intimately. I’ve lived in plenty of “world cities”, and do even now. The more I see of them, the less impressed I am.
>”Who says? Mr. R—– down the street made an enormous fortune shorting the housing market in 2007 and built a townhouse that’s the best on the block. He stays in it most of the time too.”
“Muh shekels” is not an argument that will impress me much, I’m afraid.
‘Yup – they sure are big.
And? Should they burn too? Collapse and fall into chaos? Or are those still usable and not leftist-infested.
“urban culture is […]New York”
Not that I don’t think all the great world cities, East and West, are important this way, but you wrote Hollywood and New York, and even if you think it’s all leftist filth, there’s still Lincoln Center and Carnegie Hall for starters. Call that ‘leftist filth’ if you care to. Somebody wrote about ‘the beauty of ballet’ on Dampier’s blog, and it’s not yet exactly a sport, although the technology makes it have to become higher athletically.
“Depends on what you’re using it for.”
Yes, a live performance is live precisely for seeing it in the flesh for some of us. I don’t care whether this doesn’t matter to you any more than you care that it does for me, in any case, a concert, either pop or classical, with the bodies there. A nightclub performance with the spontaneity and light interaction there. The atmosphere. I realize that’s not very austere, and it’s not supposed to be.
“I fail to see the value loss in our lecture scenario unless you want a “I was in the same room as greatness” story.”
Usually not, although there are definitely some dimensions missed if it’s somebody you’re especially interested in. As when I’ve wanted to go up afterwards and ask someone something that I couldn’t in Q & A, and did get information that wouldn’t have been available any other way.
“And in all cases, it’s close enough.”
No. Just NO. If you like inferior, cheap things, that’s your business.
“Buy a $35 Chromecast and throw the performance you want to see up onto an 80″ HDTV – it’s just like being there. ”
NO. Obviously something you don’t know shit about.
““Muh shekels” is not an argument that will impress me much, I’m afraid.”
‘Impressing you’ is the last thing on my mind. Let the ‘world cities you still live in BURN.’
One more word about that ballet post, which was such an anomaly for NRx: That is ALL leftists, even if it’s not all faggots. BUT–there is no such thing as ballet outside of NYC, London, Paris, a few regional companies like San Francisco, and Moscow and St. Petersburg, maybe Copenhagen. I know this is not an important NRx matter, but it’s definitely ALL LEFTISTS and no significant actiivity takes place outside these cities except when they’re companies are on tour. Even if you watch it from Nebraska on your 80-incher.
There is a (bad) local ballet company here, a serviceable ballet company 40 miles from here, and a well funded analogue to Lincoln Center here in my Midwestern state.
Yeah, I got a real Slaughter of Cities vibe here. Good book, looking forward to your review.
On the other hand-the story of NYC is not really one of white genocide/ethnic cleansing. It’s rather that of a city that was mostly blue collar being taken over by a cultural elite based in finance, media and academia, using criminal and state-dependent blacks as a proxy and urban planning as a system of dikes and canals to manage them. Then the blacks being slowly squeezed out via rising rents driven by gentrification enabled by increased police enforcement.
If anyone wants to make this about Jews, should keep in mind that NYC’s vast Jewish community suffered from all this as much as anyone else. It used to be much larger and diverse. Now it’s down to about three neighborhoods (Crown Heights, Williamsburg and Boro Park,) two of which are monocultures (everyone who wasn’t a Chabadnik or Satmar fled the first two.)
As far as thriving Jewish neighborhoods go, there’s also Midwood, Forest Hills, Riverdale and even the Upper West Side. Of course I’d agree that Jews aren’t as much of a factor in as they were in the first half of the 20th Century, but remain significant nonetheless.
And I agree with the idea that face-to-face encounters are more stimulating than electronic ones. Civilization and city don’t share a common linguistic root for nothing.
Crown Heights isn’t that great of an enclave, either — always struck me as half bearded Chasids, half West Indians, both of them hating each other (see: riots).
In a way, tribalism is just the way our mind works.
Even universalism turns into just another form of tribalism or meta-tribalism.
There is tribalism of materially-rooted stuff like blood and soil.
But there is also the tribalism of the mind, of righteousness, of concepts.
Even universalism works in terms of ‘us vs them’ since universalists see themselves as righteous and demean tribalists as wrong. So, they wage on tribalists. Communism was ideological meta-tribalism.
Also, there is no single universalism. Every school of universalism claims to be right. So, Catholics, Protestants, Sunnis, Shias, Buddhists, Spreading Democracy Crowd, and etc. claim to be the true universalists. It too leads to ‘us versus them’ view of the world. Though anti-tribal in ideology, they are tribal in mindset.
So, even if we transcend racial tribalism, we end up with ideological tribalism. Is it any wonder that Stalinsts and Trotskyites and Maoists and Titoists and etc never saw eye to eye on anything?
And think of all the denominations hatched by Protestantism.
And look at all the bickering among the Liberal side in America. If not for the KKKrazy Glue to hold the Democratic coalition together, there’s no way homos, Jews, blacks, East Asians, South Asians, Mexicans, trannies, old school feminists, new school slut feminists, Muslims, Hollywood oligarchs, Las Vegas oligarchs, and white working class can stick together.
Also, given the natural tendency of man toward tribalism, getting rid of one form of tribalism only fills the vacuum with other kinds of tribalism.
So, if whites say, ‘we reject white tribalism’, it doesn’t lead to all groups abandoning their tribalism. Instead, the vacuum created by white rejection of white tribalism makes room for Muslim tribalism, Jewish tribalism, homo try-ball-ism, black tribalism, La Raza tribalism, and etc to fill the vacuum. Is it any wonder that the weakening of white identity has only boosted non-white identity politics in places like the UK?
One reason why white society is ailing is the vanishing of the Butt Sniff Ritual factor.
Ever look at dogs and other animals? Those in the same pack may wander off separately, but at the end of they day, they all return and then rub each other and sniff each other’s butts, and etc. It’s a way of re-establishing the animal version of virile and confident ‘blood and soil’ mentality. Apart and away from one another, they had to tread carefully and anxiously in hostile/strange territory. But back in the pack, they feel confident as a group. They can relax, sniff each other’s butts for identification and camaraderie. Rub each other and mix scents of the pack/tribe.
Whites used to be like this. Apart from home/community, they would act proper, nice, and official with a sense of decorum, especially when dealing with different groups.
But once they got together again, they would use racial slurs, make ethnic jokes about others, laugh about it, and etc. Some might say such behavior is ‘racist’, but it’s not necessarily hostile or nasty. It’s just a way of butt-sniffing to replenish a sense of tribal unity, confidence, and cohesiveness. It’s a way of saying, I’m white, you’re white, and we recognize each others’ butt odors, and we smell alike unlike them other folks.
So, whites tread carefully outside the community, but within the community, they sniffed each other’s butts and felt virile and strong again. They could let go of their inhibitions, thump their chests, and talk big. It’s like when white folks get together in THE SEARCHERS, they say some not-so-nice stuff about Indians. It’s like the guys in Cassavetes HUSBANDS can say anything about anything to one another. They belong to the same tribe.
The thing it is natural for EVERY group to act like this. It is normal. The rule is ‘behave among those who are different than you BUT hold nothing back among your kind’. The need for caution among others who are different makes you lose confidence in yourself since the main thing is to get along and be sensitive at all times. So, if you want your confidence to be replenished, it has to be in your community where you can crack jokes about people of different races you work with.
Every group does this. Among themselves, blacks talk shit about everyone else and laugh about it. Among Mexicans, there is endless rants about gringos, Negroes, chinos, and Jewos. Among homos, there’s endless hissy pissy bitching about straights. Among Chinese, there is endless talk about about foreign devils.
But among whites, even this butt sniff ritual has been lost. To be sure, this is truer of some white groups than others. Traditionally, Italian-Americans have been more into butt sniff rituals. Just look at Scorsese movies where the ‘greaseballs’ are always saying riotous things about chi_ks, ni__ers, k_kes, Wasps, and etc. And Jews love to bitch endlessly about wasps and other northern european whites. And judging by the hacking of Hollywood emails, they talk a lot of crap about Negroes too.
This scene is a riot:
But it seems Northern Europeans have lost this butt sniff ritualism. Partly, it’s due to Protestantist emphasis on proper behavior 24/7. Correct manners, correct behavior, correct language, correct thoughts, correct actions. Protestantism is anal than butt-sniff. It tries to wipe the butt so clean that it smells like soap. This mentality did wonders for making a well-ordered and efficient society but removed something hearty and organic.
But the other reason is the rise of PC. With Jewish elites controlling much of media and academia(and with their ear on every ‘bad white behavior’) , the slightest whiff of white gentile butt-sniffing came tremendous public shaming. This is one reason why Jews especially hate Wasp country clubs where genteel wasps might be whispering Jewish jokes to one another, like ‘how do you drive a Jew crazy? Put him in a round room and tell him there’s a penny in a corner.’ Actually, Jews are too smart to fall for such a trick. It would have to be a dumb Polish convert to Judaism.
Anyway, the fact is it’s still permissible for non-white groups to indulge in butt-sniff rituals. So, even as they behave among people who are different, their confidence levels are replenished when they return to their community and talk without inhibitions about other groups.
So, Hindu-Americans get together and talk shit about everyone else.
So, Mexican-Americans get together and talk shit about everyone else.
So, black-Americans get together and talk shit about everyone else.
So, Jewish-Americans get together and talk shit about everyone else, especially wasps and Muslims.
But, white folks, especially of Northern Eurpoean descent, are not allowed to this. And pressure against it comes from both within and outside the community. Protestantist emphasis on clean mindset and Jewish media sensitivity to even the slightest hint of ‘bad white behavior’ have made whites inhibited and paranoid even within their own community.
If you’re a Mexican American, you might act like a nice Gomez-er among non-Mexicans. But when you return to the Mexican community, you can rip gringos, negroes, chinos, and Jewos and everyone will laugh with you and have a good time. No one will look at you as a ‘bad racist Mexican’. They’ll serve you cerveza with lime and tacos.
But if you’re a white guy and return to a white community and start talking like Archie Bunker, they look at with PC judgmentalism. Even your friends and family members may reject you.
And if you crack a homo joke, your boyfriend or girlfriend might drop you.
When whites stopped sniffing each other’s butts, they lost the race/culture war.
You poot so much and so long, nobody can keep from sniffing your pooter even when he wants to!
Jews against Christians, Liberals against Conservatives, blacks against whites, women against men, homosexuals against heterosexuals, immigrants against locals, Democrats against Republicans. It’s all funded by counterfeit currency from the Jewish founded, Jewish run Central Reserve bank known as the Fed, founded by Ashkenazi German Jew Paul Warburg, in 1913. It’s all part of the game, the 1% are playing to take over the world. The 99% will be homogenized. It is proving difficult to homogenize the Christian white male but the 1% will persevere. It’s Communism 2.0. Wall Street prints $100 bills for five cents each. Main Street works all day for five cents. With automatic deposits, Main Street are free slaves. It’s not as much about the ethnic cleansing as the money and hiring all the world to be free slaves for the one per cent. World War One, World War Two, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, all for the money, for Wall Street bankers, brokers, owners, and governments against Main Street, the children, families, renters, and employees who are free natural food. The children are the loot. It’s a game that is played like all predators and prey. It cycles. All that scares me is these wars are faster and faster with more and more dead each time. Now we have nuclear weapons. I have to protect myself. That is proving difficult to do.