On the right, people from Ross Douthat to AnomalyUK have tried to explain the mass phenomenon of 50 Shades of Gray (which I’ve never read), but aside from a few people, few have really thought much about what it has to say about the egalitarian romantic ideal which has come to dominate the Western world.
In the equalist conception of love, two independent people of any particular sex join together on even terms for their own enjoyment. There are countless theories of love coming from both the religious and the secular, so many that it’s easy to wonder if they’re really theories or instead aesthetic judgments or expressions of taste made on at least partially subjective grounds. Most of these theories are shit, because animals don’t need theories to get to business, and sex is mostly animalistic and physical, much to the consternation of people who prefer to live more in their heads than in their bodies.
Although both of the earlier linked articles are interesting and worth reading, they’re both a little wrong about why these stories (and, really, etiquette guidelines for sex) are so popular among women.
Douthat writes:
But viewed from another angle, that same revolution looks more like a permission slip for the strong and privileged to prey upon the weak and easily exploited. This is the sexual revolution of Hugh Hefner and Larry Flynt and Joe Francis and roughly 98 percent of the online pornography consumed by young men. It’s the revolution that’s been better for fraternity brothers than their female guests, better for the rich than the poor, better for the beautiful than the plain, better for liberated adults than fatherless children … and so on down a long, depressing list. At times, as the French writer Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry recently suggested, this side of sexual revolution looks more like “sexual reaction,” a step way back toward a libertinism more like that of pre-Christian Rome — anti-egalitarian and hierarchical, privileging men over women, adults over children, the upper class over the lower orders.
A real-life Christian Grey, the man set free from all restraint, would probably be a pure satyr like the sex-partying Dominique Strauss-Kahn or the billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, with his private-jet harems and the conviction for soliciting a 14-year-old. But in the fantasy, the synthesis, he’s a guy who will first dominate you but ultimately love you — providing that, like Anastasia Steele, you’re careful to sign a rigorously detailed contract detailing just how much domination you’ll accept.
And the sophisticated complaints against the books are equally illuminating. The problem isn’t that there’s anything wrong with pornography or sadism — don’t be silly! No, it’s just that the sadism isn’t quite safe enough (because the heroine doesn’t have a real BDSM adept’s skill at setting ground rules), that Mr. Grey’s kinks are judged a little too harshly (they’re rooted in childhood trauma, which is unfair to the dungeon set), and the romance is too old-fashioned and “straight” and not quite empowering enough.
These are not real critiques; they’re ideological line-edits. And their thinness pays tribute to what E.L. James has achieved: A fantasy that even many of its critics want to believe in, and the utopia that our society deserves.
Or you could put it in the context of de Sade and the popularity of his works right before the eruption of mass violence that was the French Revolution. Justine is much filthier than 50 Shades, with the implicit atheism of the former being absolutely key to understanding why French society came unraveled when it did, and in the way that it did.
This is what Erik von Kuenelt-Leddihn did in Leftism: Revisited. The funny thing about the modern Jacobins is that they tend to accuse conservatives of abetting “rape culture,” whereas the revolution of 1789 was in part built upon best-selling works of anti-moral erotic rape fiction. It’s pure projection; not that the inconsistency would bother many of them.
In the contemporary world, when we think of sexuality as it tends to be popularly represented in romantic films, we tend to see an idealization of a merging of two near-equals. What this usually results in in reality is total chaos, a loss of sexual attraction, and then later, legal chaos, if it’s a marriage.
What kink as a set of etiquette instruction gives to moderns is a way to at least put someone in charge, to establish a sort of temporary hierarchy away from the prying eyes of the public.
People need rules, or, even better, values, a sense of life, a tradition that protects them from error, to live by.
Just as dogs become neurotic, messy, erratic, and aggressive when there’s no pack leader, so do people. When there’s no leader, the instinctive desire for security kicks in, and power struggles begin. For typical bourgeois moderns, their education and training teaches them that either the woman should be in charge of the household, or else that it should be a negotiated partnership in which there is no obvious leader. In some cases with children, the children can take a bizarre sort of leadership over the household, as the parents become slaves to either the whims of the kids or to the demands of the striver-industrial-complex.
Pop kink finds many adherents because it rushes in to fill the vacuum that’s been left behind. It also has costumes, which helps to fill the need in the human animal for actual differences in how the sexes dress and present themselves. The woman who wears an androgynous pantsuit everywhere, if she’s going to get anything out of her schlub of a man (who lives in terror of a sexual harassment lawsuit or divorce order) is going to get some mileage out of the latex.
For those with dulled sensitivities that come inevitably from the long line of ‘partners’ from ‘relationships’ that many go through, the hunger for paraphernalia, pretense, and novelty multiplies. Not to mention the inherent sterility that comes with sex ripped away from its actual biological purpose.
The other leftist innovation that kink rushes in to correct is the forced mingling between men and women in every conceivable institution.
Neither sex has roles, buildings, and groups to themselves anymore, except in limited, contingent senses. Daughters are no longer sheltered. Parents instead actively pressure them to behave like men. Women rarely wear veils or headscarves unless they’re particularly religious, old, or eccentric. Modesty, which actually served to make attraction more passionately felt, has given way to bare legs and muscle-shirts, which can dull the sense of desire.
If you were a human-farmer trying to make the people in your barn less sexually attractive to each other, you’d do what the leftists do to mores around gender and sex. This particular critique of the Soviet Union, popular when our friends at the CIA were undermining Soviet culture, has entered the memory hole in our own, as our own leftists have resumed the work of the Soviets in demonizing useful things like make-up and beautiful things like skirts.
This isn’t an attempt to somehow make a National Review-ready trite article about the “unconventional conservatism of bondage,” or “how watersports made me a better Christian” but instead to point out that it’s yet another unprincipled exception that leftists use to get out of at least some of the consequences of their earlier destruction of our culture.
So when conservatives rush to attack the degenerate behavior on the part of lovelorn women, they tend to miss the larger picture, especially because they’re unwilling to stand up on a podium and tell people directly that Paul was right and that the 60s were a mistake. Actual leadership is a heavy responsibility, and few want to risk what little status they have.
Even in most Christian churches, it’d be a whole lot safer to admit to being a pervert than it would to admit to believing that men should lead their households, that the patriarchal family is a religious & moral obligation, and that there are rational arguments going back over 2,000 years which support that way of life.
By ceding the realm of sex to the left, conservatives have royally screwed themselves over. In the surface world that everyone presents to one another, both the liberals and the conservatives seem to offer a hypocritical landmine of contradictory rules which are impossible to follow and also remain human. With a surface world of absurdity, people will tunnel under it to satisfy the drives that nature has yoked to them.
Conservatives funnel their children into egalitarian institutions, demand inhuman powers of chastity from their children, and then become shocked — just shocked — when the impossible rules result in their cheerleader daughter getting a big belly without knowing who the father is. The absurdity of expecting inhuman levels of restraint from people is also mirrored by the leftist reign of regulations in sexual harassment. Men and women must be forced to be the same, and any outburst of natural attraction is to be punished by the full force of the legal system.
Leftists, taking advantage at the same chaotic pile of rules, then declare that all the rules and values ought to be void, encouraging people to sterilize themselves and find joy in polymorphous perversity. Then, in comes the commissar blowing the rape-whistle frantically, upon discovery that the polymorphous really are much more perverse than you’d ever expect them to be in theory.
With sources of real strength so absent, people instead look for alternative rituals, just to get something real in their lives, like pain and a sense of being under the protection of a stable authority. Once we understand this a little better, it becomes easier to formulate a saner moral response.
Mr. Dampier, you are among the most eloquent of those in the neo-rx movement pointing out all the problems we suffer in our declining civilization. Other than those few “crazy preppers” (pure reactionaries) attempting to start outposts of stability somewhere in the hinterlands, where are there any others trying to start any moral responses to the collapse? Or do you see these, and other posts in this blogosphere, as having only the point of helping others see through the curtain to join the reactionaries? I cannot, honestly, see any “intellectuals” as it were, buying properties here in “outbackistan” to start up new “amish”orders to reestablish any moral orders. The only folks interested in “cooperative” movements seem to be quasi-atheistic old hippies selling out from the cities and bringing their marxist rainbow farting unicorn ideas to the middle of rural “orthodox” moral enclaves. We are not mixing well.
There’s certainly some interest in having a bunch of people move closer to each other in some place. I left the coasts for the interior. Some others are trotting the globe. There are a lot of other options. The point of the writing is to improve our collective optionality, I would say. That just means that it opens up choices for us as individuals and as groups that we wouldn’t be able to make otherwise.
I think ideally, we want to set up a situation where the left collapses in place, without it spilling out onto the rest of the world, or to otherwise minimize that spillover effect. I’m not a big believer in the idea of ‘speed the collapse,’ I think it should be instead to make them collapse and have the remnant such as it is remain sitting pretty.
The only hope is to join up with a group of religious people who have the requisite brains and stubbornness, the gumption. Trotting the globe is a bad idea, and the interior is as rotten as anywhere else with an internet connection.
It is a little better, but generally right.
It’s just a little behind the times and hasn’t learned to revel in its degeneracy quite so openly yet. But if you go to any college town or tech hub there, everything’s on full display there. Unless you want to grow corn or run traplines, you’re gonna get it almost as bad. And there’s the school system, separating the smart kids and enticing them to go to the prestigious propaganda centers, either at state or on the coast, depending how smart they are.
The only way you can survive is by having a community whose members support each other, which has its own education pipeline, and which has enough children that your kids will have friends and, later, mates.
“Conservatives funnel their children into egalitarian institutions, demand inhuman powers of chastity from their children, and then become shocked — just shocked — when the impossible rules result in their cheerleader daughter getting a big belly without knowing who the father is.”
Could you please clarify this statement? Does your criticism lie with the expectations of chastity, or the egalitarian institutions which make adhering to them difficult?
Chastity is a virtue.
Knowingly sending your kid into an environment where it will be strenuously tested is confused behavior at the least
You know EvKL! Excellent! I am continually running across those who ponticate on everything but clearly know little of history.
On the De Sade irony: The Marquis’ work, as mad as he most likely was, was essential to liberal success because it transgressed against the established social order. The reason contemporary liberals fear modern De Sades is because liberalism IS the established social order, despite any underdog posturing. This is part of the reason liberalism works to destigmatize sexual perversions: when they become part of the norm, they no longer can be used to transgress against the norm.
Thus, liberal doublethink regarding sex is a form of self-preservation: deviance that cannot be reconciled into the immune system must be shunned to the highest degree, but at the same time nearly all deviance must be reconciled. Even rape has become stealthily normalized if the horrors of Rotherham are any indication.
The state-supported rapes throghout Northern Europe are politically useful because it demoralizes the native men who live there and degrades the ordinary women. British and American elites are also slavishly submissive to Arabs and Pakistanis in diplomacy and war, so changing that would be hard for them to do.
A man who was committed to an insane asylum 200 years ago is now the arbiter of prevailing sexual norms, while a non-religious thinking person making an argument for chastity is at best seen as some sort of pariah, if not outright insane. How very far we have come.
Liberating the Bastille was an important symbolic act, and one of the reasons why the French still celebrate that day. And he was the one who provoked the mob to attack it.
>British and American elites are also slavishly submissive to Arabs and Pakistanis in diplomacy and war
This is untrue. British and American elites look at Arabs and Pakis as the global version of negroes-semi-domesticated feral dogs, useful for siccing on anyone you want with plausible deniability. When it suits the elites, they are just fine with killing those same Arabs and Pakis by the hundred thousand.
How do you explain the billions a year to Pakistan for no sane reason, and the routine fondling of Saudi interests? Are you so sure that it’s not the other way around? Look at how the Kuwaitis and Saudis played the Americans, look at the Carter doctrine.
In some cases, maybe, but mostly the Americans are the dog wagged by the tail.
Spending vast amounts of money by the government bureaucracy is a feature, not a bug. It’s not their money, and every dollar they spend, they are extending their influence and power. Further, having the US government spending money in your country, making you a dependent, is not a good thing. It’s a very bad thing. Ask Chiang Kai Shek, Bautista, Mubarak, etc. The Kuwaitis and Saudis are clients-they’re not playing the Americans, they’re riding the tiger and they know that sooner or later the ride will end. It’s absolutely analogous to Machiavelli’s discussion, in the Prince, on why you should try to never use mercenaries.
We are also in a similar position, although our situation is different in enough key respects that I hope we will be able to disengage from the US smoothly when the time comes (not soon enough.)
As for kink, you could have made that a lot shorter: the West is dead inside, nobody believes in love anymore, but everyone yearns to feel something. In a pinch, pain and humiliation will do. It’s like a junkie mainlining smack. He no longer has the ability to enjoy anything else, and even if he can’t enjoy the smack anymore either, it stops him from feeling the utter lack of pleasure in his life so acutely.
The West has basically turned itself into the Hell of Hungry Ghosts: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preta
It is funny that the Manosphere and PUAs are unanimous in condemning 50 Shades, yet how many of those guys fire up the computer and spin the Wheel of Anal nightly? And the ones who don’t only don’t because that interferes with their reenactment of the same IRL.
The most basic feature of Western society is that it uses everyone’s natural instincts and higher desires to entrap him and get him to thoroughly destroy his soul. At which point he can be purchased for next to nothing and you can have him do whatever you want. It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about ghetto degenerates selling their lives for sneakers or Richard Feynman selling his inheritance for the chance to explore abstract realms of physics-when you multiply by zero, the input is ultimately irrelevant.