There’s a lot in this episode. If you’ve been wondering what I sound like, here’s your chance to find out.
At the time of this writing, I haven’t had time to listen to the entire final cut yet.
Thanks again to Nick B. Steves and Surviving Babel for being such gracious hosts. You might not realize if you’ve never been involved in radio or podcasting how much work goes into making these things come out well. SB puts in hours of editing for each episode, and the two of them do a lot of research and preparation in advance.
We talked a lot about the American power structure, its history, the historic primacy of literacy, and our legalistic roots.
The show’s getting better with each episode, and there are some big names (!) on the docket for the next few episodes.
You can also grab them all for free on iTunes.
…Big. Names.
I have to say, I held off listening to the podcasts because amateurish formats or shrilly voices or poor production values would unjustifiably stain my opinion of many of the participants.
I finally started listening because I wanted to confirm that Glanton was a southerner.
I came away very pleasantly surprised with the depth, professionalism, and quality of the discussions. I’m very much looking forward to these “big names”.
Kudos to you and all involved.
I definitely need to work on my radio laugh and some ‘ums’ slipped in here and there, but SB does good work.
They’ve been planning the show for over a year now, and they’re finding their production legs now.
Speaking as one who is no stranger to taping, we tend to be our own worst critic when it comes to listening to ourselves. The conversation fillers and nervous chuckles in the interview were not too distracting. Good content, Mr. Dampier, and you articulated your points well.
Thank you kindly. Tell your friends about ATT.
Don’t worry Henry Dampier, I got your reference to T-Pain.
The saddest thing about that was that I’d written it out before after skimming “Common Sense” again in advance of the interview.