The promise of feminism going back centuries was that women had been denied opportunities to become scientists, engineers, physicians, and executives, and that by giving them opportunities, they would change the recognized nature of the female animal. The idea was that women could transcend biological and cultural limitations on them, permitting them to become like the best of men, except with the added capacity of lactation and live birth.
The Atlantic, which was once considered one of America’s leading intellectual magazines, has taken to rewriting press releases from the electronic brothel / concubinage clearing house Seeking Arrangement. In it, it claims that over 1,000 prostitutes signed up for their service from New York University alone — a school with a total annual undergraduate population of around 22,000. While those numbers may or may not be true, if it’s in any way accurate, it’s a demonstration of the implosion of the feminist narrative.
The various feminist tribes find themselves caught between the speculative-capitalist hope that women can be made as productive, innovative, and long-laboring as men traditionally have been (without cannibalizing the male workforce) and the polymorphous-perverse story that ‘sex work’ is glorious and high-status. This is not actually the first time that concubines & prostitutes have been high status in the West, but the dynamic is unique.
Families who sent their daughters to universities at great expense presumably didn’t do so in the hopes that they would be turned out like a truck stop pimp. A motel pimp can turn your daughter out for free, without the need to charge a family hundreds of thousands of dollars like NYU does.
Given that the Atlantic has taken to republishing press releases for an automated internet pimp without even charging them the typical rates that they do for native advertising, it’s interesting about how the magazine vacillates between glorifying women who sacrifice their sexuality at the altar of career, and the similar attempt to portray sexuality-as-career. Blaming student loans for the free decisions of the daughters of the middle class, who were supposedly learning judgment and discernment at university in return for those loan-provided tuition fees, is nonsensical — especially when many parents supplement loans with their own savings, in the hopes of advancing the station of their children through the mechanism of the university.
The notion motivating those loans is that the university is supposed to build character and train discernment. Obviously, it’s failing at that goal.
The story is getting fuzzy, in part because it is essentially illegal to criticize it openly in the United States. Criticizing feminism openly is essentially an invitation for a lawsuit or termination.
Because open debate on the topic is barred, the promoters of the ideology never experience the stress that comes from dealing with contrary positions. Feminists of past centuries had to overcome substantial resistance. There is still resistance, but it’s not the open kind — instead, advocates of egalitarianism only hear affirmations.
So, what are the good and beautiful people supposed to think? They are supposed to say that women must become doctors, business leaders, and engineers, but if they choose to become prostitutes, that is also a goal worthy of enormous support from every governmental and corporate institution in the land. It’s super if you become a dentist, but it’s A-OK if you become a hooker, also.
The song for our time:
Everything is Awesome,
Everything is cool when you’re part of a team
Everything is Awesome when you’re living out a dream!
It’s super if you become a dentist,
But it’s A-OK if you become a hooker, too!
We’ll never go back to the bad ol’ days,
Now women have the power over me and you!
This would be a great song to introduce to the children at Los Feliz Day Care (google it). The bit about the dentist might be a little problematic, though.
Dentists use chemicals, and that’s not natural.
Finally got around to the Lox Feliz Day Care twitter… 🙂
Nor do I understand the belief that it’s disgusting, exploitative, and criminal to have sex with old rich dudes for money, but perfectly OK to have sex with smooth-talking pickup-artist douchebags for free.
I suppose such morals make sense if you’re a woman pretty enough to get free sex (i.e. the top 95%) but not pretty enough to get paid for it.
Part of the idea is that women are now liberated, and the state must guarantee their romantic decisions, along with the support of any ensuing bastards.
Also, this site is pretty obviously violating the law, but the law is not being enforced. I agree with St. Augustine’s position on the oldest profession, but it is interesting to note the failure to uphold the law here.
The contradiction you note disappears once you consider the feminine imperative at work. Becoming an actual, honest, hard-working prostitute is still illegal in most of America and to my knowledge also rarely pushed by mainstream media there.
That’s because legal prostitution normalizes male promiscuity which a feminist society considers evil, and also dramatically reduces women’s sexual leverage over men. Men won’t bend over backwards to bribe women into sex (including entering marriages with ruinous at-will divorces!) if they can simply pay $100 at the nearest brothel.
Sugar babies are significantly different because they do nothing of the kind. Each is exclusively available to one rich high-status man who presumably could have plenty of women regardless. If anything this raises barriers to sexual access even higher for ordinary men. Sugar babies are part of some alpha harem when they should be looking for a husband, and are trained to expect immense material rewards for sex. That’s in line with female hypergamy and general social dominance, just like female careerism but unlike traditional prostitution.
They’re not exclusive, they just have a smaller client list, like any escort.
Should the free Obama community college provide courses in this?
Those American “escorts” with small secretive lists of rich clients are similar to sugar babies but they are themselves very atypical prostitutes. Ordinary prostitutes where the occupation is legal (or tolerated) may have recurring clients but they are generally available to anyone, and sleep with lots of strangers for relatively little money who could hardly otherwise get such girls. The social ramifications are quite different, as anti-prostitution feminists realize quite well.
Free community courses should not be necessary, girls are quite adept at learning the skills on the job!
While the West is experiencing a demographic winter, the ladies are doing this- great, just great.