Some time in the next week, I’m going to be moving this blog from to my own domain, just because it’s been more successful than I expected it to be faster than I thought would happen.
I’m not terribly familiar with some of the newer WordPress social features like followers/following, but using Jetpack, all of that should port over just fine to the new site. If you are currently following this blog on WordPress (there are something like ~100 of you), I don’t think that you’ll need to change anything.
If you’ve linked to this blog before, don’t worry about your links being broken: all inbound links will be forwarded to the new domain. The only person that really needs to be notified is Free Northerner, who has been kind enough to include my blog on his superb aggregator, Reaction Times.
In the immediate term, this doesn’t mean all that much for the average reader. You will just find my blog at rather than at the WordPress URL. I am also changing the font and eventually going with a different theme, but will be doing one change at a time. If you type in, you’ll be redirected to the new URL automatically.
What this will mean for you:
- The current generic font will be replaced with a cooler serif font.
- The site will look better, in stages.
- It will be easier to read.
- There will be no more ads at the footer other than those that I place for my books and Amazon affiliate links for other books.
- I will no longer be free-loading off of the good people at WordPress.
- Will be more challenging for people to report-spam this publication into oblivion.
- Easier for me to add new features that make the site more accessible in search, make my writing easier to read over e-mail, and other similar additions.
I’m going to keep writing daily updates until I either become lazy or people start becoming bored with my writing.
No true reactionary could ever get bored with your trenchant analysis.
Best wishes with the new site. I look forward to continue to read your work there.
Congrats on moving up. I look forward to your future growth.